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How many of each for clean-up crew?


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Alright, so after my tank is cycled, i'm going to want to put in my first inhabitants, the clean-up crew.


It's going to be a 28 gal bowfront w/ 10-15 gal sump/refugium


I'm going to have about 40lbs of live rock (fiji and tonga branch)

and a bit more for the sump.


It's going to be a sand bottem (coarser sand, not fine sugary-sand) and a very thin layer <1"


I've heard that Cerith, Astraea, and Nassarius snails are all good to have, so how many of each should I get? (how many for the sump and for the tank)


I know I want a white Porcelain crab, but should i have an emerale crab? if so, how many of each? (would they get along ok with a skunk cleaner that i would want to have later on)


I was also thinking of getting some sand sifting crabs too.

What about horseshoe crabs? are they any help? or do they get too big for a 28 gallon? are they reef safe? they're pretty cool.



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the emerald, porcelain, and skunk cleaner are all fine together. also sexy and peppermint can go with that group. and sand shifters wont hurt any of them. personally i would not get a horseshoe. maybe not enough sand bed for them.


of that group the only one i would not get two of is the cleaner. don't forget, the porcelain likes someplace to sit, a ric or anenome, or some shrooms in a pinch. if you give him nothing but rock he will not be happy.


as far as snails i would get one per gallon total, and maybe more later if the algae gets out of control. just remeber, snails and emeralds go in first, they are the clean up crew. the shrimp (and porcelain) go in after they work awhile.





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I will definetly wait to put in the shrimp and porcelain crab, until I have some corals and the tank is really stable. (could i have more then one porcelain crab later on?)


ok so about 40 snails all together, more then one emerald? and then what... 7-8 sand sifter crabs?


i'm still trying to decide if i want my sump/fuge to have a DSB. i worry about them breaking down after a few years and I can always take out nitrates the FW way, Water changes.



thank you!

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yes you can have more than one porcelain, but they will fight if they decide they want the same spot. they will not kill each other but legs and claws will be lost, and one will not be happy. my LFS, like many, keeps its porcelain's together and all are missing something. they seem to lose body parts easier than other inverts, because mine, even though alone, loses legs.


that said, when i set up my bigger tank i will get more than one porcelain. i will just create areas on influence for them.




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do you think it would be best then to add them noth at the same time? or one first, let him find the spot he likes, and then add another?

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