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Cultivated Reef

which bulbs?


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i got a 2-36watt hood


which bulbs...


i got 2 combo 10000k and 2-6400k no athinic.

i was thinking maybe 1-10000k combo and a 6400k, sound good?


is this true or not...



better growth.............................better color

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I beleive it is true. The sun puts off light at an average color temp. of approx. 5700 K. After refracting through our atmosphere and then refracting through the ocean, it gets to the coral, losing some of its blue on the way. We may get better looking coral with 10,000K bulbs, however, it is not simulating the natural light, so they will grow better under something closer color tempwise to that of the sun. In fact, there NO animals on this Earth that require the blue found in a 10,000K bulb because the sun cannot provide us 10,000K light. In fact, the highest temp light that the sun could emmit I beleive is approx. 8700K

So, what you are saying is true because better growth will come out of a closer simulation of the sun's light.

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