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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Two Feeding Questions


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I have a 15g high tank with two ocellaris clowns (I maybe getting 1 or 2 more fish over the next month or so) that have been in there about a week, hermit crabs and several snails. My question is:


1. With only two clowns in the tank for now, how often and how much should I feed them?


2. Regarding the snails. If there isn't enough algea for them to eat, what food can I add for them that wiil sink to the bottom of the tank?



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Feed the clowns once a day, and the margarita snails are film algae grazers, you may not see the algae, but it's there. Nass and bumble bees are detritus eaters, they'll clean up the leftover food that the clowns may have missed. No need to supplement the snails or hermits.

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