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Vic's Vivarium Project


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Honestly, at first glance it didn't knock my socks off, but the more I look at it, the more I see its potential. Great shady spots and caves for low light coral and lots of open space for growth.


I really nice branching Acro would look awesome on the top ledge, then again, I know you're mainly focusing on softies.


I find aquascaping to be one of the more tedious yet important steps in reefing. I've yet to have a tank where I'm 100% happy with the results.

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personally i think it look great, nice circulation, good for fish to swim around and hiding spots. If there was a tall towering piece on the right it'll be pretty cool (maybe a BTA on it) :P

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Oh yeah there will be definitely be another island on the right, and that's really the issue with it. There's just not enough space right now to make a decent sized one. I also don't like that it's nearly flat on top and it needs to be shorter (because I want a large gorgonian there to hide my heater wire and auto-top off unit).

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structurally(sic) I think its an awesome shape for rockwerk.

But, coral wise, not so much....


tank is comin' together really well!

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I'm not really concerned with that, I don't typically just sit my corals on top of the rock anyway, but I'm scrapping this version and trying something else tonight regardless.

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Yeah it's not too bad, it'll work as a structure to build on.


Initial test:

Ammonia - .5

Nitrite - 5.0

Nitrate - 20


This is going to be a short cycle :) I guess that's the benefit of buying rock that's been curing for months.

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Yeah no doubt. Now I've got one freaking cord to try and hide somehow :( If there was such a thing as a wireless heater I'd be all over it.

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hahaha wouldnt we all :D:D from the question i asked before. is just LR enough to be a filter itself? with no sump or anykind of filter?

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Oh I thought you were just poking fun. Yeah live rock is definitely sufficient filtration for a reef tank. Lots of successful tanks have been run by live rock and weekly water changes thumbsup.gif

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omg the initial one was so perfect in my eyes. i loved the empty space on the right. i wish i had done mine more like that.

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OO thats soo cool i never knew that! :P sorry if i sound kinda noob :P i'm researching in starting my own SW in the summer :) gt a 34gallon cube

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I think it's a good idea to have more filtration if you can, but yeah it's not required.


If I could have, I would have run a refugium on this tank to help with nutrient export, but it's just too risky for me to drill a tank that costs so much, so I'll just stick with a simple setup. If I was planning on keeping harder corals (or messier fish) I would definitely want to run a sump and refugium.

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thats ture, drilling a hole in a ADA tank would give me a heart attack :P looking forward in your tank and learning from it :ninja:

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You could consider an AC 70 fuge mod (which could hide your heater), but it could mess up the aesthetics for an ADA tank. Can't have everything, can we? ;)

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Yes we CAN! :lol: I'll figure it out somehow. It's a definite no on a hang-on overflow box or fuge though.

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