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Bryopsis Eradication


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I figured this might help if I documented my battle with Bryopsis day by day with pictures as I dose Kent Tech-M.


What you will need:

1 Magnesium Test Kit. (I'm using Red Sea's kit)

1 Bottle of Kent Tech-M. (For my 34G cube I purchased 16oz.)


Tip: Test your water's Mg BEFORE you add anything! You need to know where youre starting!


Notes: I added everything that was recommended to naturally remove/control this before taking these measures. I added 2 emerald Crabs 2 weeks ago, and all they seem to do is nibble on it, nothing more. The CUC I currently have, eats around it. So case in fact, the Bryopsis is now out of control, nearly doubling every 2 days.



Ok so I decided to run a full test on my tank before I added anything. Here is what I came up with:

Ammo: 0

Nitrates: 0

Nitrites: 0

Ph: 7.8-8.2 (API kits are hard to read)

Sg: 1.023 (I do not have corals at the moment)

Mg: 980


Ok now that that is done, I went by what others have done in this nasty battle and dosed 3 capfuls of the Kent Tech-M today. I plan on dosing 3 caps everyday until my MG reads 1500 or I start to see a positive change in the Bryopsis. (Yellowing, falling apart, disappearing, etc)


Pics on day ONE. (2/25/10)





3 seriously engulfed rocks:




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DAY 2:


Mg Test BEFORE todays dose: 1080

Added 3 capfuls of Kent Tech-M after test.



-Tried to manually remove some of the longer Bryopsis from the "shelf" yesterday...didnt get much.

-I notice a change in color of the Bryopsis today. It seems more "yellow" than green.




FTS Day 2:



3 Rocks:




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Mg Test BEFORE todays dose: 1160

Added 3 capfuls of Kent Tech-M after test.


Notes: Still noticing more yellowing. I now see 1 or 2 pieces loose and floating around the water column. Removed via Turkey Baster.



Day 3 FTS:



3 Rocks:




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i cant tell if its bryopsis but since you havent stocked anything yet.

might be a good idea to try the tech-m trick?


before you put anything in it?



also love the scape btw lots of potential here

Are you sure its brypsis? My Turbos will not touch it.
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I still maintain that I do not think it is bryopsis. If turbos are eating it, then it is not and it is just some new tank algae that will go away. I guess we shall see.

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yea i guess i over reacted. they kinda nommed on a couple branches, but then left it alone. I know it is bryo from the sheer fact it looks 120% like the bryo pictured in the algae guide posted on THIS forum. :/


I CUC i had before wasnt working, so i chose to start dosing, plus it was getting insanely out of hand. Also I was on a budget. It basically boiled down to:


What I THINK will work<what I KNOW will work.


So I took my chances. The only way I got turbos yesterday was cause my ma forked over some cash. Either way, I'm damned if I do, damned if I dont here. /shrug

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Day 4:


Mg Test BEFORE todays dose: 1280

Added 3 capfuls of Kent Tech-M after test.


notes: idk wtf is going on. Its kinda at a halt now to where I cant notice a difference in person.


FTS Day 4:



3 Rocks:





close up:

I have also noticed it is feathery from the BASE up.



It resembles this freshwater plant somewhat in the fact it is feathery from the base to the tip. It does NOT have seperate branches coming off each stalk. It is 1 stalk all the way up though. :/ No one can give me a 100% ID. But from the Bryo in the guide, it is the closest. This stuff is out of control.


edit: Im about to get the scissors in there and suck up all the debris..maybe the snails will eat the stubs that are leftover :/

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update: I scrubbed the pink rock.......after that I said to hell with it and put it back in...the stuff is rooted so deep in it. So the pink rock looks decent but the other 2 are still the same. I HAVE noticed clumps of the stuff blowing about and coming loose more freely when I "baste" it now though. (the other 2 untouched rocks)

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If you don't have any corals,fish etc. Please dose more than that. You just hit 1280? That's pretty normal and not high yet. Try to hit 1500 in the next couple days.

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If you don't have any corals,fish etc. Please dose more than that. You just hit 1280? That's pretty normal and not high yet. Try to hit 1500 in the next couple days.


Well after skimming again through all the "MG dosing to kill bryo" threads, it finally hit me...I think I know why everyone was seeing major results asap.....I bet their Mg was around 1280/1300 which is okay, from what Ive read. Mine started at 980.....so yea I need to chill and wait LOL

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Day 5:


Mg Test BEFORE todays dose: 1360

Added 3 capfuls of Kent Tech-M after test.



- I scrubbed the pink rock yesterday. That is why a large amount is missing. I decided I didnt feel like tearing the tank apart to get the other pieces, so I stopped.

- I am still seeing pieces of Bryo detaching from the rocks and blowing about the water column. I Turkey Baste them up when I see them.


FTS Day 5:



3 Rocks:




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I'll tell you right now that i had to hit 2100 before it worked for me. the only thing i lost was 2 astreas and 1 turbo. sps, lps, softies were all fine. fish was unaffected also. this was with the brs kit so im not sure if itll be different for you. i did raise mine by 50 ppm a day though.

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Day 6:


Mg Test BEFORE todays dose: 1440

Added 3 capfuls of Kent Tech-M after test.



- Cut photo-period back yesterday from 10 hours to 3. (1 for observation/tests in the morning, 2 in the evening for viewing)

-Did not feed last night (1st time in 2 weeks)

-Definatly noticing a thinning of the Bryo. Definate color change. Yellowing and what seems to be a "translucent-ness"


FTS Day 6:



3 rocks:




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I ran mine at 1600-1700 for a few weeks. I saw a noticeable difference in a week. By the second week much of it died off. You should see some real progress very soon :)

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I ran mine at 1600-1700 for a few weeks. I saw a noticeable difference in a week. By the second week much of it died off. You should see some real progress very soon :)




I am definatly seeing a change since Ive past up 1400. Starting at 980, it took awhile, and in the pics I have noticed it has gotten thicker, but it seems once I hit 1400, it is starting to thin out and fall apart. Hopefully a few more days of this and I can do a MUCH NEEDED water change. Even if I have to keep dosing after it.

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