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newbie with question-hawkfish


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Was just wondering what other fish can i put in with a flame hawkfish, the tank is done cycling. now i want to add my fish. When do i add him? Can i add him first? I have a 16gal bowfront tank.

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I had a flame hawkfish in my 75 gallon, beautiful and cool fish. DO NOT KEEP shrimp, no matter kind or size, they will kill them. I would add all fish of similar size (any small gobies might entice its natural insticts) and snails and hermits BEFORE the flame hawk. Give him lots of rockwork, but I did that, he was a perfect community citizen, never bothered any small fish (percs) or larger, and never showed interest in inverts, and ate like a pig, and perches out in the open. But, I have heard that if you put them in first, they will associate new inverts or new small fish as feeding time, so there ya go, hope it helps, good luck!

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