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snail problems


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anybody know how to keep my snails from falling off the sides of my tank.. they fall off, get stuck in the sand, and then every morning i have to scoot them over to something they can latch onto... it gets really really agravating... i've already had one fall behind some rocks and die... talk about an algae problem, so i got my tank running back normal again but they still fall off ??


any solution to this ? is something wrong with my tank

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Originally posted by koolyce

When your snail fall it's because your cycle is not done totally or it's because you quality of your water is poor.

Hadn't heard that one before. Actually koolyce that's more than likely not what the problem is. Some snails just tend to topple. Astreas and turbos are notorious for falling and not being able to right themsleves. My nass snails climb the glass and fall off all the time. Nass snails are able to right themsleves though.


Verge, what types of snails do you have in the tank that are falling?

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tank has been up since june... they are astrea snails... and they fall constantly... had another one fall this morning, and he was attacked by bristleworms before i woke up... so now i'm down to 2 snails....


this is sooo annoying, i'm about to cover my whole sandbed in liverock so they won't die anymore

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Have you had any temp or salinity fluctuations recently?

They could also be starving if there isn't enough algae for them to eat.

Or they can just be very clumbsy snails, mine do that once in a while too.

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Astrea snails are idiotic. I have to babysit mine all the time or the hermits will get them and jack them for their shells.


I have never heard the cycling thing... I'm sure it's just something a LFS employee came up with to mess with newbs.

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