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Coral Vue Hydros

Cloudy Water on brand new tank


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I know that many people have written on this topic, but most people have had their tanks up and running for a few days/weeks. I have just set up my nano cube yesterday, and it is cloudy. All I have in the tank is live rock and live sand. The only test I have currently is ammonia and that is at zero--i bought the "wet aragonite with the bacteria" and live rock.

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I know that its not the sand stuck on the tank, because I see it swishing around in the tank and going into the filter. It was clear when I went to bed, so I can't help but figure it isn't just sand....I am not sure if it's bubbles, but would they form after my tank has been set up for a while. Unfortunately I am not by my tank so I can't see if there has been any changes since this morning.


I have a polyfilter in my tank that is turning a nice shade of tan, but the floss that is stuck right before it is staying white..that is why I am wondering if it is a chemical thing.


I am just nervous because I had an aiptasia killing party last night..tried lemon juice for a bit, but then went to boiling water. I killed at least 10, if not close to 15 aiptasia...hate 'em.

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before getting a perfect clear water, it can take few weeks. Also if you bougth the aragonite live sand, it's a piece a .... nothing can be alive in a bag so long. Also, if you only put LR and sand with nothing else, you cycle can't be done correctly. You have to add a fish to do the cycle and it can take aroung 4 weeks before it's done.


Don't forget, be patient. If you go too fast, you can break your system and lost everything.


My nano is started since about 2-3 days, and my water is still a little be cloudy, but my cycle is not done and also I still have sand in suspension. But I add some LR and BR and a moly for the cycle.

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Originally posted by koolyce

Also, if you only put LR and sand with nothing else, you cycle can't be done correctly. You have to add a fish to do the cycle and it can take aroung 4 weeks before it's done.  

Yes it may take four weeks to cycle the tank but you absolutely do NOT need to put a fish in there to cycle the tank. The tank will cycle on it's own and in time the biological filtration will adjust to what you gradually add to the tank. Adding a fish to cycle the tank is cruel to the fish and is totally unecessary. Read up in the articles section here on nano-reef Kari if you are still confused about cycling the tank.


I also suggest John Tullock's Natural Reef Aquariums, an excellent reference.

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caja is right dont add fish ever unless you have no spike after a few weeks of running the tank. a cycle starts of from amonia usually left over food fish poop or dead crap,

most live rock is bound to have some things die on it that should be enough for your cycle to start. putting a fish in is cruel.

live rock donsnt mean that there is little worms and such living in it. it just meants it was taken from the ocean and it is or will host living bactiria and other creatures lr and ls should be enough to start your cycle unless the lr was already curred or seeded

then there will be no die off and there for no amonia no cycle. then just wait a few weeks check your water and if still nothing add one or two small fish then wait or add a pice of shrimp wait a few days and then take it out let it rot for a while in there that will get your cycle going.


you said you killed aptesia it could be them roting?

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Putting a fish it not cruel, it depend wish fish you put in. For cycling a damsel or moly are enoug, but really enough tuff to pass over all the cycle. After you keep it or give it back to the pet store.

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No. You can kill even the toughest fish by putting it in too soon. On top of that, the Damsels that you put in to do the cycle are difficult to remove and aggressive.


Koolyce, you are running on old information. People did it your way before they realized that you didn't have to do it like that.

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Kool , It's Molly, and no you don't need a fish. Look at it this way... You could live right next to a sewage or chemical treatment plant, but would you want to. Yes it is cruel to throw them in there, but for reefers w/o a conscience, There's no stopping them. Also, forget everything Your LFS told you and go get that Tullock book, It was my first,and my most broad and general book. Great source for beginners.


The cloudiness can be from a variety of things. turn off you PH's for an hour or 2 and see if that helps. Do not put partially cured rock into a tank that has fully cycled, you may run into problems if you bio-filter can;t handle the die off.

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