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New person, New tank help.


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I have a 15g tank I would like to start up. I am really new to all of this so I could use some direction to go in. Is there anything I can read (books or online) to start a first timer tank? I am not even sure how to start. Like I said, I have the tank and stand but unsure what to get next.






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I stopped at the pet store. They said I should not start off with a 15gal. tank. that I should start with one at least 30gal. They said it is because the condition can change very quick. This would mean I would need to buy a new tank, filter, stand. Any suggestions on what I should do?




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Firts of all, you have to read a lot before going in salt water. You can start with a 15 gal if you want, but depend what you want and also what is your budget?


Exemple, if you go with a nano cube, it's not expensive and you can start slowly like buying LR, good test and 1 tuff fish like a damsel or chromis and keep you small aquarium for about 6 months and you check all your parameter every week, change 15% of water every week.


If you have any question..go...I love answering :)

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Thanks. Found some tanks like this on ebay and a few sites. Where to people get there LR at? Online or in a pet store? I am reading it is about 1lb for 1gal?





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depends on what type of live rock you buy. Usually porous rock, like fiji, you want 1- 1.5 lbs per gallon. But with denser rock, you'll want more like 2 lbs per gallon.

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read try fail learn sucsead

alway go very slow dont buy anything at a store because it looks prety nothing looks nice when its dead

the best place to get live rock is online really better selection more options.

the best thing to do is read as much as you can dont worry its not as hard as it seems.

youll learn as you go

read enough so that you can avoid alot of mistakes and when things go bad youll know why or have an idea of why

if you are unsure of things ask here

decide what you want to do with your tank ,reef or fish only , fresh or salt ,

check to see what equipment you have and what you can keep

your tnk size is fine the smaller the more unstable but esy to fix

smaller tank is easy to take care of just more work and the cost is lower,

just go slow and research before you buy

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RO/DI water is the best type to use.


Tap water contains a lot of phosphates which can cause serious algae blooms in a newly cycling/cycled tank. If you can't get your fins on some RO/DI (reverse osmosis - distilled) water, I'd atleast get some decent spring water.

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I stopped at the pet store. They said I should not start off with a 15gal. tank. that I should start with one at least 30gal.


First classic mistake... The LFS "Local Fish Store" for the most part don't have a clue. In your quest for information they are considered by most here to be the most unreliable. For example where I live there is not a single lfs that knows anything about modern reef keeping, and I mean nothing.


You have found one of your best sources of information here at Nano-Reef.com. Spend a few days reading all the old posts. Read closely the ones with problems, it might help you avoid some of the common mistakes. Read the ones on stocking the tank, what your lfs considers to many fish and what works in a nano are two different things.


You should really read all of these articles as well :







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