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Cultivated Reef

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its the best i could do in 30 secconds..heh. Her tank is pretty odd...is all freshwater rocks/gravel and plants but she has saltwater in it.. its interesting. She's got a clown, a blue damsel, yellow domino damsel, that yellow thing, and a small eel she just got..everything looks great too!

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Wow, that looks a lot like a tanganyikan cichlid I used to breed, Neolamprologus leleupi, they do like some salt in their environment. Is it a true saltwater tank? Mine were always much more of a true yellow than the attached pic:

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HAHA Johnny! I used to breed leleupis too! But now I am breeding Pseudotropheus demasoni. Check it out. It's a Malawi cichlid. I have over 30 of them (from 2 mothers). And I am still breeding! They sell for good money! Costs aquarists 20+ dollars each (USD). Easy to breed too!

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That's a Dusky or Yellow (same thing, just two of it's common names) Dottyback. If it's not pushy with your other fish I'm guessing you have mostly damsels (like the little blue that was in your pic) or fish that tend to be larger than him? They are a bit larger normally than the other small dotties, about 4" full size to my understanding, and can be a bit pushy at that size. But it would make sense if yours is housed with damsels, etc. that while not mean, he could certainly hold his own. They are pretty little guys with lots of personality. And very hardy!




And thanks for the second pic. That's how I recognized it.

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