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Skilter 250 Modification Question


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I have a Skilter 250 that I modified by using an air pump and wooden airstone. Since this modification, I've seen an increase in the amount of foam that come out of the top but nothing spilling into the collection tray, maybe it's because I only have two fish. Modifing the Skilter this way makes it a co-current skimmer. Does anyone have any ideas on how to modify the skilter to make it counter current. Somehow bringing the water in higher in the tube. I'm intrested in any ideas.



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converting it to a counter-current (while possible) is probably more trouble (and expensive) than just getting a simple air-driven counter-current like a lee's or coralife.


to answer your question, you'd need to shunt some or all of the outflow into the internal silo/bubble chamber. cut down the silo to allow the new downward flow to flow out toward the spout area. note: this is also counter-productive as it also shortens the residence time inside the bubble chamber/silo.


pssst...get a prizm, bakpak, or remora. you'll be much happier.

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It's easy, only three steps.


1. Order a SeaClone ($60!) or Remora ($130)

2. Remove the skilter, then carefully jump up and down on it.

3. Install the new skimmer.


Tinyreef is right, it's more trouble to modify a skilter than it's worth.

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