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i need some help with my tank


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im new to this hobby and need some help with my tank people say,

why is that? and what can i do?

what do you all have?

is it setup?

have you read, read, and read some more?

what exactly do you need help on?

we need more info.

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umm first :welcome:


2nd .. Is there actually a coherent question here.


If you seriously want help be mroe specific. If you just looking for some weird form of attention.. Scream at a teacher in the middle of class.. I am sure it will work..


But if you actually want to ask a question that has meaning.. please by all means go right ahead.

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i saw the pictures you uploaded and the comments made.


the help that was mentioned is regarding your fish choices. there are a LOT of fish in what appears to be a pretty small tank.


you have a zoa colony which looks like it's doing terribly, and that anemone will die. seriously, it will die.


the tank needs IMMACULATE water conditions for an anemone (which, based on the fact that your water is cloudy, you do not have), and really good light. the tank also should be over six months old and YOU should have a lot more SW experience than your username implies. A LOT.


how old is the tank? like, how long has the live rock, water, and sand been in it with the lights on? are you testing your water?


you should wait AT LEAST a month before adding ANY livestock, not to mention FIVE fish, not to mention an anemone, not to mention a large colony of coral.

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ok well my tank is about 2.5 months old,

i have tested my pH nitrite nitrate ammonia an salinity


i have a 28g nano cube cf quad

nancube skimmer (i know its cheap)

1sleeperhead goby

1flame angel

2 clowns

5 turbos


1 cleaner shrimp

3 hermit crabs

a colony of zoas



what is so wrong with my tank?

everything seems to be doing just fine?

why is everone dogging on me?

i serioulsy dont get it really i dont

and for you amored i have had that anemone for 1 month now and its still living

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so what can i do to give more life to my tank?

my water is pretty clear,but how can i control algae on the glass to?


n why dose everyone hate my tank so much?

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Where's a picture of it?


By your list there it looks like you have 5 algae eating snails in your 28 gallon tank. Wouldn't hurt to add about twenty more. They would eat the algae.


What are your parameters when you test?

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so what can i do to give more life to my tank?

my water is pretty clear,but how can i control algae on the glass to?


n why dose everyone hate my tank so much?



Macro algae will give more life and help control your tank metabolism some. You have the max fix for your tank (IMO) after jsut 2.5 months. (bad move i think)


you have an anemone after 1.5 month of having the tank up .. generally not a good idea.. glad he is alive but that does not mean he is thriving in an immature tank.


we dont hate your tank we dislike that you started this thread with some pics and no clear question..


these questions are definately better.. keep working on making your question clear and to the point it will help us help you in the future.


You say you water is pretty clear.. I found a few of the screen shots and its milky looking to me. your anemone and corals would very much appreciate a much cleaner water. If you have a skimmer review it and make sure its operating at optimum levels.


Algae control.. get a larger CUC (clean up crew) Goto reefcleaners.org and get one of their packages appropriate to your tank or hand select what you should have to go with what you already have..

(example.. I have blue leg hermit crabs the chart says i should have more like 15.. so i would buy 10 more to bring it up to snuff.)


Algae is also controled by nutrient export (water changes and skimming to name just 2)

If you run filter floss make sure you clean it every few days to keep it flowing well and not allowing the catch to rot on it.


These are just a few quick tips.. I hope they help you .. and if you ask a question be ready for the criticism and compliments.. not everyone see's things the same .. Many will feel your tank is much to immature to house all of your current residents.. that being said ask the community clearly for help and advice to make this situation better and we will do what we can to guide you in a better direction.

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okay thanks

do u think my cleanup crew is good enough?


oh and what do i do with my macr algae?

do i replace some of my filter media with it?


or how could i possiably make a refugium or sump?

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See above .. visit reefcleaners you will quickly notice its not enough for a normal tank .. and your bio load is on the high end..so its even more important.


oh and what do i do with my macr algae?

do i replace some of my filter media with it?


Probably best for you to tuck a lil bit under a rock and let it grow inside.. making a sump or refugium could be an undertaking for later. again reef cleaners can help with the macro also.

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Keep it from blowing all over the place.


Get some snails. That's something quick and easy and cheap to start with. You could run out to a store right now and get a bunch. Let them mow the lawn and see where you are at in a week.

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Well they will eat the algae, if there's something causing it then it's going to keep growing. What are your water parameters? How often do you do a water change and how big of one do you do? How often do you feed your fish, how much and what sort of food?


I'd say get 10-20. Ceriths, turbos, whatever. The nas snails don't eat algae so skip those although they do eat crap laying around the bottom which might be fueling the algae.

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i do a 25% monthly

but im going to try and start getting on a routine of doing 10% weekly

i feed my fish once a day one cube of brine shrimp although i know its not the best for them,

what else can i should i feed them?


oh and how much macro algae should i get?

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So first, start reading the other threads in the beginner's section. Sounds like you have a lot of common issues and you can see how people have dealt with them.


Sounds like you are aware that 25% a month is no good, 10-20% weekly will help you out a lot.


Probably not rinsing out the brine shrimp cube? The water it is frozen in contains a lot of the things that fuels algae growth.


Rod's Food is a good fish food, but there are plenty. Again, start clicking through and reading threads. You will find a lot of info.

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thnks so much man!

but the only ting is im not 100% comfortable with my 10-20% weekly changes

how would u recomend doing it?

im afraid ill mess up the balance in my water, with salt and stuff

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You are worried about a 10% to 20% water change.

You should have thought about that before you put living creatures in an aquarium.

Most people research for months before buying a single thing.

You should have read something everday during your cycle which should have taken at least a month.

I don't get why you got into this hobby.

Patience is almost as important as saltwater when it comes to your aquarium.

Everybody is upset because you have rushed and not thought out your tank.

Where are these pictures, I cant find them.

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Alright, last bit of spoon feeding then you go read and come back after you've read yourself into some more questions.


28 gallon tank with some rock, I'm guessing a 5 gallon water change would be good plus it makes life easy since you just need two 5 gallon buckets.


Take a bucket, get it filled with RO/DI water. Nothing other than RO/DI water is acceptable (go read).


Add in your salt mix per the directions on the bag. It's usually like half a cup per gallon. I'd suggest going a little on the light side of the recommendation. It's easier to add more after it has mixed up if you fall short of the mark than it is to dial it back down.


Toss in a powerhead/pump so it will mix up and toss in a heater as well. Set the heater to bring the bucket up to the same temperature as your tank.


I do all that the night before and just let it stew over night.


Next morning check the salinity of the water and make sure it is the same as what is in your tank. Add a little bit of salt at a time if it needs to be raised. Add a little bit of RO/DI at a time if it needs to be lowered. Make sure it matches.


Take the bucket of new water to the tank.


Take your other bucket, the empty one, to the tank. Turn off your pumps and heater. Remove water from the tank until there is as much dirty water in the bucket as new water in the other bucket.


Put the new saltwater in the tank.


Rinse out your buckets, papertowel them dry, turn them upside down and that's it.

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People will argue about it for pages.


Short answer - if it's all you've got it's all you've got.


Don't assume you can't get your hands on it though. Most fish stores, the ones who sell saltwater stuff, will sell you RO/DI water for around 50 cents a gallon. So $2.50 a week will be your expense on water. Just take your bucket in and give it to them, go look at fish for a couple minutes, pay them and leave. No hassle.

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