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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Cleanup Crew - Do I have enough?


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My 15g high tank has finished cycling. I have been added the cleanup crew over the past few days. Currently, this is what I have:


3 Bumble Bee snails (although I can't find the third)

2 Nassarius snails

5 Astraea Snails

3 Blue Leg Hermits


Is that enough for that size tank? How much cleanup can I actuall expect to see these guys do? The fellow at my LFS told me that I should just clean the front glass and let the crew work on the sides and back.

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Bumble bees aren't really a part of a clean-up crew since they're carnivorous. It's a myth that they eat detritus. They will, without live food, eat dead, meaty stuff, but it's not their preference. Nassarius will only eat dead, meaty stuff, so you should probably ditch the bumblle bees. Heck, they might even be starving ...


Hermits are hit 'n' miss ... generally, once they get big, they also become predatory and forsake algae. They love hijacking snails' shells, too.


You might want to pick up 3 or 4 cerith snails to clean your sand, and look for some snails that are known to breed in aquariums -- like Stomatella varia or these guys . Just a warning, tho ... hermits will voraciously eat snail babies.

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