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My 10 Gal 4 Months in the Making


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hey everyone this is my 10 gallon tank which i started 4 months ago its comming along slowly got a few coral in there already and seems to be going pretty smoothly...


lemme know what you guys think of it and any suggestions you may have



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Hi squidney540! First of all your Login name makes me laugh. It reminds me of bikini bottom. HeHe. Secondly I am really happy you joined because I can tell that you are pretty good with a camera...you just need to stay away from the lights off and using a flash thing. And lastly, Nice tank!

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Specs of my tank:

ph 8.3

kh 8.8

sp grav 1.024




clove polyps


green xenia


striped mushrooms


toadstool leather


brwn button polyps


feather duster


orange green zooanthids


montiporia encrusting coral


Living Creatures:


6 astrea snails

3 cerith snails

1 conch snail

6 blug legged hermits

3 red legged hermits

couple of oysters in rocks

green spotted mandarin (psychadelic)

green chromis


peppermint shrimp

skunk cleaner shrimp

emerald crab


lots of bristle worms haha


as well as some tube worms i have yet to identify

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specs of tank


10 gallon rectangular stnd

running eclipse dual florescent hood w built in filter

just running plain old 18 in florescents one 10,000k and one actinic blue coralife bulbs

pretty simple

25 lb live rock

15 lb sand and crushed coral

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yea the dragonet eats all the coepipods or however u spell it and then i supplement with frozen brine shrimp he eats the brine til he is very fat haha he loves the stuff


yea usually i jus feed the dragonet twice a week on the frozen brine otherwise he is eating coepipods all the rest of the week

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i am crazy about mandarins and i kind of gave up on the thought that they need so many copepods that a 10gallon just could not provide enough food. HOW DO YOU DO IT!?!?!?! did you have to train him in eating brine shrimp from when he/she was little or did he/she come to you loving brine shrimp...im so jealous. how much did this whole tank cost.... equipment, corals, fish, inverts??

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It looks to me that the mandarin isnt getting his fill. The food in the tank is no doubt depleted, and from the photo his stomach looks rather hollow. These fish are constant grazers. They need an almost constant food source. Those who keep them in captivity either rely on the live rock, and if that is not enough (something like 60 lbs LR per mandarin...and in a well established tank...9+months old), they may use supplimental feeding...but to keep up they need to feed them three times a day (constant grazing). I dont think this mandarin will last long. Sorry, but I dont. You would have to feed it at least twice a day. Doing this with frozen can be a big pollutant in such a small tank as well, so using live would be best. Oh, and adult brine are almost useless as far as nutrition goes, unless you dip them in something...so hatching live baby brine may be the best and only way.

Sorry to rain on your parade, otherwise I like your tank alot...have fun, but if that mandarin gets any skinnier you should trade him to someone with a larger tank full of pods...cuz he'll need it at that point...taking him back to the store will only end up in his death cuz they usually dont have a good food supply for them there either.

Just be glad the mandarin police havent seen this yet...

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Nice tank!


I'm looking to do a 10 gal nano for my office - if I ever get around to it!! Gotta clean off my desk first.


I do however, have to second wetworx101's comment on the mandarin. I had one in my 35 Hex for about a year - seemed to do great for quite a while. She also ate frozen brine, but with all the current never got a lot per feeding. Toward the last, she was getting skinny. I gave her to a friend with a 225 and she looks great now. After she was gone, the copapods and isopods came back in this tank in huge numbers while the fish had them depleted to where it was hard to find any - I had pod piles for them and 55# of LR. Unless you have a 40gal fuge, I really don't think you can expect long term success with a dragonet in a 10 gallon. You can have these fish for years if they have the right environment.


Keep up the good work. Post more pics as it progresses.

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the mandarin actually came from my friends 200gal reef tank so yea hehe i actually borrowed him from there because the coepepod population was so many that i couldnt see throught the glass clearly haha


but as soon as my friends tank is back up and runnng i will be sending him back but as for now he has been doin fine in my 10 gallon and eats the frozen brine, flakefood, baby brine, etc pretty well

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