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Catbus's in progress reef tank


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Well other thread was uhhh, fail. so, here is my new thread with pics :D Enjoy


Brains are cool huh?







Oprah Waterfury (trust me she's vicious)



150 watt halide

canister filter (upging to a sump next week.)




Atlantic blue tang

2 clowns

6 chromis

small CuC which I need more of..

cleaner shrimp

1 Lobo

13-20 heads of Dendrophylia

2 Rics

couple assorted mushies.



UGh how did I manage to post 2, how do you delete a thread??

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sweet tank Catbus!


P.S. where's the tang? I am the tang ninja. :ninja:

My tang is a "Skady cat" the best picture I've gotten of him so far is when I'm not trying to get a picture of him.. 007.jpg

hes in the back left if you can see him lol..I'll try getting a decent picture tomorrow when he eats his weekly supply of snow peas :D

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Sweet! My scopas eats dino's and cyano but not seaweed salad... go figure. ;) SWEET TANG! Added to wish list- Atlantic blue tang, Acanthurus coeruleus

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Sweet! My scopas eats dino's and cyano but not seaweed salad... go figure. ;) SWEET TANG! Added to wish list- Atlantic blue tang, Acanthurus coeruleus

Hold up I got some better pictures, but since I have blue LEDS his iradecent blue turns red, which is cool but eh..

the blue they have will keep spreading on their body as they mature and eventually be all blue :P

Uploading now. 017.jpg


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