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Violinist's 20 Hex


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News on the new tank?


Was supposed to get called last Monday with a price quote but never got a call. Doesn't surprise me. I mean I'm just trying to give someone money...


I'll have to follow up Wednesday. I assume they are closed tomorrow and mon/tues the shop is always closed.

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Was supposed to get called last Monday with a price quote but never got a call. Doesn't surprise me. I mean I'm just trying to give someone money...


I'll have to follow up Wednesday. I assume they are closed tomorrow and mon/tues the shop is always closed.


wow... you'd think that in this economy, they would be jumping at the bit to get your cash.

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Still no call from the shop.


I found a margarita snail about 3 feet from the hex this morning, dry as a bone. Picked it up and tossed it back in, figuring it would be crab food if nothing else. Can you believe the stupid thing perked right up and started crawling around?

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Still no call from the shop.


I found a margarita snail about 3 feet from the hex this morning, dry as a bone. Picked it up and tossed it back in, figuring it would be crab food if nothing else. Can you believe the stupid thing perked right up and started crawling around?

My margarita lives in my biocube chamber 3 where the pump is!

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Dude you got over the green monster algae, Youll get through this I know EET! At least it isnt Dinos.......


/knocks on wood



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Well I might get over it by just tearing it down and setting up a different tank lol. Funny I have coraline growing on the ac70 intake and the glass. The last of my purple rocks got sent back to the 20L probably a month ago, so I was surprised when I saw it yesterday.

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  • 2 months later...

Broke down and bought a couple of clown fish for the hex. Got tired of hearing about 'the ugly, empty tank'. I'll clean the cesspool up a bit and post some pics soon.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alright, so I waited a few months to let the ich die off and then dropped in a couple of clowns. If you follow my other tank thread, you know I went without power for a few days last weekend. The hex is in the basement and while it's normally a toasty 83 degrees water temp under the halide, it dropped to 70 and sat there for a while. So far so good though, no one died and no one looks sick.


I yanked all the chaeto out of the ac70. I just got tired of it and it provided undetectable benefit as far as nitrate removal. There's not a lot else to report, I just sort of keep this tank alive while continually thinking about the best replacement for it.


You can see the coralline growing all over the ac70's intake pipe. I actually scraped a huge amount of it off the glass the last WC. Pretty insane considering the only source of it was a few starter rocks I stuck in here from the other tank to see the dead rock. Guess it really likes the metal halide.





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Both new clowns started showing ich spots a couple days after the power outage/temp plunge. One is now m.i.a. Crab food or dog food, who can say.


This tank is the suck.

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  • 1 month later...

Your tank is looking great! I have a quick question... How is your Vortech working out in this tank? I am about to order a MP10 for my 35 hex... in your opinion, do you think it is powerful enough... or should I go with a larger model?. also, is it worth it to get this pump in a hex tank? I am thinking the shape might impact the pumps performance. Thanks!

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It's a bad tank shape for a fixed pump like a vortech to be honest. To get enough flow over the sand you have to put the pump pretty low, and (at least with my sand) you end up with all your sand pushed into a dune on the side farthest from the pump. Place the pump higher, you get buildup on the sandbed. I think a couple HK's that you could point where you want would be a better move.


I'm not going to update this thread anymore until I tear the tank down. It's a dead box now short of the nems and shrimp and snails/crabs. After the power outage all the montis slowly died. Tired of fighting the hex-o-death...

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Sorry to hear about the tank's misfortunes...but thank you for the information... right now I have two HK's, one nano and one is a bigger one... my plan is to place a mp 10 mid tank, and the nano HK low near the substrate. The tank seems to need more variance in the flow...

Thanks again, I will be following your 20 long.

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  • 8 months later...



This thread had me totally sucked in with all of the drama.


I just bought a 20 hex at a garage sale for 5 bucks and was wanting to set it up as a nano reef.


Now I feel like I want to run off a cliff with it in my arms.


Very sorry to hear about all the deaths you had in the tank. Your rock structure was top notch and looked really awesome.


I may end up making the hex a fresh tank for my daughter to learn fish keeping with.


My LFS has a really nice 30+ gallon cube tank that i fell in love with as soon as i seen it. I believe they want around 350-400 for tank, stand, glass hood and light.


I will have to read your 20 long articles tomorrow.

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Believe it or not, there is still water in this tank. I continue to top off the tank, keep the ac70 running and the temperature stable. There are two asterina starfish and a small snail that somehow continue to live in there. Haven't had the lights on in over 6 months.


Why? I really don't know...

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