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Two Fish?


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Hey everyone,


I've got a 6-gal tank with these inhabitants:




1 bristleworm -- appeared with the LR

3 featherduster worms -- appeared on the LR

3 Banded astrea snails

5 other assorted small snails

1 green chromis


I think I want to add a clownfish to the tank. Should I get rid of the green chromis? Or will the tank support them both? I'm very diligent at water changes and stuff.



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poeple put 2 clowns in 5 gallons, but then theres the factor of BIOLOAD! i think as long as your very very diligent on your waterchanges and u dont overfeeed i think it might be ok. im not recommending it tho. good luck

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Thanks. I've had the chromis and clown together for 2 days now. I had the intention of removing the chromis, but both seem to get along just fine together. I've tested the water and all params are perfect. Gonna keep a watchful eye on it.

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Ocellaris is actually referred to as the 'false clown'. True/common clowns have fatter black stripes on them and a few other differences. Ocellaris are still clowns tho, the name is confusing . .


Chromis' are pretty peaceful and so are ocellaris clowns (especially one of each) so I dont think you'll have any problems with them. Stay away from other damsels tho . . I had a 3stripe damsel in with my ocellaris and he almost killed the clown . . very aggressive. I think the combo you have now should be good . . just stay on top of the water changes and keep an eye on the water quality.



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