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Coral Vue Hydros

Cycle done, cleanup crew ok?


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Give it up! Look at this show tank!



Thats life baby!


Thinking about making a run for "tank of the month" with this pic:




Anyway ... tested the nitrates today and they came back 0! 0? yes 0!


I want to get the cleanup crew started before the algae has a major dieoff. Tell me if this enough for my 6 gallon


1 peppermint shrimp (i have a couple small aptasias)

3 Nassarius Snails

3 turbos

1 brittle star


Will this be good? Thoughts, input welcomed.



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hey Carl_in_Florida

wow, look just like mine,

1 peppermint shrimp...are you intend to have some soft coral?? well, peppermint look good, but sometime they do eat coral too. so you might wanna watch out for it, and every else sound pretty good, might add on the list small hermit crab or emeral crab too.

good luck

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i'd avoid the turbos. go astrae or cerith instead imo. you're not adding hermits so the cerith would be a good choice.


i agree with anthony on the peppers. for instance, if you want to add zoos later the peps are not to be trusted. if the aiptasias are a real problem and you want the softies you may want to try berghia nudibranches. they consume aiptasia but tend to starve afterwards (i believe, no pers exp). i think seacrop had some for sale recently.

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MAN... Mag Float is your friend....

You can clean that stuff off the glass by hand, then get the snails to take care of the rest. I know some other people don't like turbo's, but I have had excellent results with mine. Also Nassarius snails are awesome if you are using sand for the substrate. Get after it !! B)

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Just say no to peppermints!


I say throw in a couple of small hermits (blue leg or baja red leg), astreas, nassarius.


You don't have a HOB do you? You might want to throw a AQ mini on there and use the foam insert, scrape the glass and let the HOB filter out the algae......rinse it once a day.....then remove it when the water clears up.


Just my $.02

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I see peole do not like peppermints. I was planning on using it to kill the aptasia then letting my friend have it for his 75 with aptasia, an eel, and a lionfish. But it sounds like some folks really do not like them.


fly, The way I set up my lights, I can put the stock eclipse filter back in so that is a good idea. I guess there is no reason to leave all that gunk in the tank.



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That pep would be toast with an eel in your buddies tank!


I have a couple of aptasia, when they get bigger, just kalk them (or hot water).


I like to use my HOB as a water scubber! I put the foam in after I feed with cyclop-eeze or scrap. Give it 24hrs, and rinse it out!


I've never had a trate or PO4 problem....sems to work for me!

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Originally posted by onthefly

That pep would be toast with an eel in your buddies tank!



Sorry, no long term comittment to the shrimp.

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hi yah,


MAN... Mag Float is your friend.


Mag Float might be good, but once you use it, all the purple and alage gonna get the bottom of your tank , on top off your sand, into your rock, than you gonna hate yourself, bc its gonna be all over every single things on your tank, and its bothering you when u look at it. so i might wanna ask and check that out first. I HATE MAG FLOAT! dont get me wrong, there always two side of the siuation, a good side and a bad side, I LOVE PEPPERMINT , they has two differeces charateristic . a good side is they gonna eat all of your enenimy, and bad side is might eat your coral. i wouldn't waist $9 buck , i rather save that 9 bucks and get me something else. beside, i always got mind for $1 buck, but my damn pistos shrimp kill them all :(, bad idea!

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So I got my cleanup crew - 5 snails (not turbos but I can't remember what they are , one has a green shell the others have not done a thing yet) 2 blue leg hermits that have pulled up chairs to the buffet and are going to town, a sand shifting star (not enough sand in my tank for him IMO s oi am gonna trade him in for a brittle) and a peppermint. I am keeping an eye on the peppermint because his life will be short if he gets out of line.

I did scrape the glass (acrylic), ran the filter for a day, then added the crew the day after that.

It was like unwrapping an early Christmas gift. I scraped the front let the guys cleanup a bit and lo and behold I saw some live rock in my tank again!

Thanks for all the help!



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