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jawfish in a 7g minibow


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Im just pondering some tank ideas and i came across Gil's website. I really like the minibow (christmas is coming woohoo!)

I think that I would have basically the same setup as gil. The only problem im having is choosing fish.

this is my stocking list so far:

green banded goby

red headed goby

**yellowheaded jawfish or Barnicle blenny

and yes i know i am thinking about putting 3 fish in a nano but my logic is that the two gobies will create less waste than one ocell. clown (already have one in the 29 hes a pig)

so wat do u all think??

Jawfish too big for minibow? too messy (sand everywhere)? these were my major concerns.




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Jawfish is too big and way to much of a spaz to ever feel comfortable in a minibow IMO. If you did get one it would make such a sand mess the tank would look horrible.



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