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Cultivated Reef

pics of new 12g nano


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Here a some pics from my new nano started two days ago.

I have a few a questions

1) what actually grows on the live rock after you purchase it?

2) how long does that normally take?

3) my lfs sells pre mixed saltwater is this stuff any good?



my tank is a 12g jbj nano cube w 12 lbs lr and 12 ls. I removed the stock powerhead and replaced it with a jbj 1300 boosting the gph to 240. I removed ceramic rings in back and the foam and placed a pound or so of lr back there along with the heater and the carbon bag

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Live rock contains small shrimplike creatures and bacterias sometimes you get freebie corals and macro algae on the rock...theres no real timeline on when growth will appear thats up to you on the conditions that you make for the tank...good luck and welcome to N.R. nice aquascaping by the way-Yves

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if ure going to use the LFS saltwater ask them what salt they are using and ask them if their salinity is constant. youre better off mixing youre own, cus you know whats happening and its cheaper.

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On the LFS's premade water, check to see if they use RO/DI to mix it with. If they just use tap, or never change there filters you will almost surely have problems. I have noticed alot of the LFS's in my area have the cute little TDS meter on there system, but it seems its always unpluged. Hummm wonder why?????




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HaHa! Yes, it is a protien skimmer in an Eclipse12 tank...it's a Lee's Counter Current (air powered) I made some modifications to the stock filter, meaning I cut out the Bio-Wheel and the part of the housing that it sits in. All I left was the part of the plastic that rests on the tank for support. The cup of the skimmer sits in this 'hole'. I now have mechanical, chemical, and biological (live rock) filtration 24/7. As they say, necessity is the mother of invention! By the way, I don't really use that thermometer...I use the hydrometer daily to check temp & specific gravity. It's left over from when it was a fresh water tank.

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That is great! Anyone know where I can get one of these Lee's air powered protein skimmers? I've looked, and none of my LFS's seem to carry these.. I bet it would fit into one of the back areas of my nanocube with no modifications.. This could be the one mod I am willing to do with this tank, since it would be invisible, and help out with oxygenation too!



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