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help with 12 g jbj nano cube


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have a few questions about nano cube

1) should i take out all media in back and put live rock and live sand in the refuge in back?

2) is a more powerful sump really needed for a low light reef?

3)does anyone have suggestions on what type of corals or anemones i could have?

4) what is the best way to clear up the tank?

5)is a protein skimmer needed for such a small tank?

6) how do i lower the salinity of the water?


I would really appreciate any insight and help

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first of i cant type i have a baby in my arms

sup in the back of a nano cube not such a good idea take the ceramic rings out take out all the sponges

YOU may want to keep the ones in the intake( the left) but clean them 2 times a week or when you clean them and its been a

time a bunch of crap will leak into the tank

carbon optional

i have



1 madrin goby (eats live brine)

1 red head goby (barnicle blenny)

maidens hair

shaving bush

cabagge coral

flower pot

1 sand star



1 fire shrimp

1 skunk shrimp

starburst polyp

galaxia coral (not doing so good was a gift kind of)

baby maxima clams

all ok evrything that needs light is closer to the top

like the clam

its a prety nice tank over all

im thinking of taking the top off and building a canopy for it and adding qwads 96w pc

but shrooms and polyps u can def keep

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A skimmer isn't necessary for the nanocube. Remove the media, but leave the carbon. To keep most corals, add more light. The corals you can keep with stock lighting are zoos and mushrooms. Don't attempt as many fish as rapier0 has; he knows the limits of his set-up; as of right now, you probably don't. Keep one fish, and no anemones. To lower salinity, add freshwater. HTH

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maroon is right most of my fish are in the tank in temp status

normaly 1 perc and 1 mandrin red head goby too small to count

a tank full of the is beatifull though like 10

when its feeding time it looks like torpeedos going after the brine

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