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Neon Green Trumpet Coral Help!


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i have had a frag of neon green trumpet coral for about a week now and it has been doing fine in the tank, properly acclimated and everything, however a couple days ago it started closing up, there are areas where flesh has started to come off and it does not look very good, any help? i feel like this is a result of some type of pods that i have seen on it, i have also had pods eat through two frags of my zoas and i have pictures of it







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Hmm... typically these corals do best when glued upright. They are pretty fragile and if it's been touched a lot or hitting a rock that can cause similar looking marks.


Other than that, are there any other corals nearby which could have caused this?


Oh, and posting your water parameters usually helps.


Good luck.

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i went ahead and glued it upright to some lr, i also did an iodine dip. the water parameters are


salinity: 1.025

ph: 8.4

nitrate: 0ppm

nitrite: 0ppm

phosphate: 0ppm

ammonia: 0ppm

calcium: 380

kh: 8

temp: 86


it is under 36watt pc lighting and i do weekly water changes, all other corals are doing well, although xenia is a little off this week(gsp, orange monti cap, eagle eye zoas)

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+1 to a slightly elevated temp. I mean as long as it's consistent I don't think it's enough alone to cause too much havoc, but I would see if you can lower it a tad as long as you can do so and have it remain a consistent temp. During the summer months my tank usually hits 86 or so for a week or 2 and nothing bad really happens I just turn the lights off during the peak heat.


Your other parameters seem fine enough though... borderline kh though.


I would continue to observe the coral for signs of worsening. If it does continue to worsen then we'll have to investigate further but for now keep it off the rocks and see how it does. Good luck.

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um. well the rusty forceps arent the best thing to have in your tank. not saying that thats the problem but the rust could leak in copper and other metals that are not good for your tank. this will be a problem for keeping all corals and inverts in your tank

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um. well the rusty forceps arent the best thing to have in your tank. not saying that thats the problem but the rust could leak in copper and other metals that are not good for your tank. this will be a problem for keeping all corals and inverts in your tank


I have a colony of the kryptonite trumpets and I've noticed a huge difference after dosing magnesium, strontium, Brightwell Coral Amino's, and Iodide. I keep my alk at 9 and my calcium at 450. I usually do small doses every other day and they do really well. It went from 30 heads when I bought it and l have well over 60 heads now. I've had it for about 10 months now. They also enjoy some mysis shrimp every other day or so. Glad to hear they're doing better

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im not too keen on dosing at this point because the tank is only 3 gallons, i'm going to do another water change soon and retest my levels, it has been improving even more this afternoon since i moved it and made some changes



anyone know where to get plastic forceps?

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anyone know where to get plastic forceps?


No, but if you went ahead and got another set of stainless ones, do what I do and rinse them under the tap and wipe them dry, I've a pair that are a few years old and not a spot of rust. Key is to rinse them in freshwater, and THEN dry them, just wiping the SW off WILL leave salt behind and that with moisture in the air will make them rust worse.

Oh, and don't bend them, it'll rust at the bend, something about a molecular restructuring of the metal yadayada that weakens the protection of the "stainless".


Plus one on the feeding of each head, it'll grow alot faster and generally be "happier", I feed mine 2-3 times a week the same bits of frozen that my fish gets, although I feed my trumpet at night when its feeders are out.


Edit: case of qty 6 plastic forceps Group buy material, but pretty nice forceps.

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what lights u have? how old are the bulbs?

its a 12'' current 36w power compact fixture, the bulbs are only about two months old so i've got a while to go on those. however the frag is looking a lot better, i think it was getting bumped and moving it upright has helped a lot

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i woke up early this morning and just found my sexy shrimp eating away at my trumpet coral, there is a spot on the side where i guess he was eating during the night. i pushed him off of the trumpet and then he started eating some of the zoas (he wasn't hosting them either or just sitting on them, there is actual tissue damage where he was and i watched for a second while he ate little pieces of flesh). the weird thing is i feed my shrimp a pellet everyday, which he does eat. any suggestions?

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my trumpet is doing great after being left alone and feeding weekly -

your sexy shrimp is likely only eating dying coral flesh but if you are unsure put him in the fuge or trade him out for something else.

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i put my sexy shrimp in the fuge area last night, and the trumpet coral did great and it did not have any eaten spots or irritation, i think the shrimp might have to go.. i'm going to keep him back there a little longer to make sure it was him

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