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suitability for green spotted puffer


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I currently have a fish only with live rock tank that is 10 gallons. Its housing 3 blue legged hermit crabs and a green spotted puffer. The puffer was slowly acclimated in a seperate tank from brackish to marine. I was wondering if it would be possible to keep an occelaris clownfish or an orange spotted shrimp goby? Or possibly all 3 together? Would the puffer be too aggressive for these more docile species? I know that the puffers generally nip fins.

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First of all, I've never had a puffer. However, I did some looking around and some places suggest a 50 gallon tank. Plus they are known to produce a lot of waste. Adding another fish would increase the bio-load significantly. You will need to keep on top of water changes. Good Luck.

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I'm assuming he is referring to a leopard puffer, which is generally sold as a freshwater fish, I've never seen any that got very big so I don't think you would need a 55 for one. That said I don't know how they would interact with the clown/goby, but I kind of doubt it would bother either.

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Yes, the Leopard puffer is more commonly known as the Green spotted puffer though, and i do agree that a 55 is overkill for a single gsp at least until it is a couple years old. Well Im gonna try the Orange spotted goby combination most likely and I'll tell you guys how it goes.

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Don't do it! I had a green spotted puffer before. They should be kept in a species only tank because they are very aggressive. Also it will outgrow its tank quickly. I agree 50 gallons is overkill, but at least a 30+ gallon tank. They are great fish and a joy to keep, but you won't like it much when it eats all your other fish.

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Thanks for the info Daleo, I was wondering while were on the topic, My GSP has always had a couple guppies in the tank with it that have been breeding slowly throughout the raising of the salinity. He has never tried going after a single one. Is this normal behavior? or maybe hes just not interested in eating fish? Im not sure but I'd like your opinion. They are also much smaller than him and can easily fit in his mouth. (he eats ghost shrimp that are much bigger all the time)

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How big is it? Usually thy don't get aggressive until larger. Some people have had success keeping other livestock with them, but most find their livestock nipped to death. Those who do keep other livestock with their GSP live knowing they could wake up one day and have one less fish in their tank. I am definitely not an expert on them, but http://www.thepufferforum.com is a great resource for all kinds puffers. You can find info and many experienced ppl on this site. GSPs are found under brackish. Hope this helps! :)

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I agree with daleo. i had one for about a year in a 20h converted to saltwater. that thing was vicious. the whole tank was his territory and he didnt like to share. but not all of them are the same so... you might be able to. i fed mine crickets every once in awhile. its fun to watch =)

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Thanks, he is still small although ive had him for over 2 months. I am surprised at his slow growth rate he is barely over an inch right now (not including tail fin) I'm also having trouble finding snails small enough for him to eat but im not sure its important yet for his teeth. He loves mysis shrimp and bloodworms. Doesnt eat "marine Carnivore" cubes and strangely doesnt like brine shrimp too much. I've fed him a large red clawed crab before and he killed it after a day.

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  • 2 months later...

i got one, first i had him in freshwater and slowly over a year i change the water to saltwater, over that time he lived with mud-skippers and feeder guppies for the mud-skipper.when the water was close to marine water i trade that for a clown fish now it been 5 months since they live together no problem, and also i have been adding some corals to the tank.

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  • 5 years later...

I would say on the Green Spotted Puffer subject with adding the Clownfish and you are referring to the one I attached in this picture then I could tell you right now I have one in a 30 gallon along with an Ocellaris Clown, Bicolor Dottyback, Pajama Cardinal, Kaudern's Cardinal, and Firefish. They all seem to get along fine. I would just watch out for territorial issues. I added the puffer last and I also keep him well fed with Brine and Mysis Shrimp and Flake Food. He would probably eat a Snickers candy bar if I threw it in there, but anyways it seems to work. You might want to take him out and move things around a little bit and add him back last. I also have a lot of live rock. I would not put snails in there. I put a Short Spine Sea Urchin in the tank recently and he was very curious about that guy but moved on. That is a great cleaner. I will be experimenting with a couple of Hermit Crabs like yourself and a large Cleaner Shrimp soon because I need a cleaner that he won't eat . I will post how that goes.

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I would say on the Green Spotted Puffer subject with adding the Clownfish and you are referring to the one I attached in this picture then I could tell you right now I have one in a 30 gallon along with an Ocellaris Clown, Bicolor Dottyback, Pajama Cardinal, Kaudern's Cardinal, and Firefish. They all seem to get along fine. I would just watch out for territorial issues. I added the puffer last and I also keep him well fed with Brine and Mysis Shrimp and Flake Food. He would probably eat a Snickers candy bar if I threw it in there, but anyways it seems to work. You might want to take him out and move things around a little bit and add him back last. I also have a lot of live rock. I would not put snails in there. I put a Short Spine Sea Urchin in the tank recently and he was very curious about that guy but moved on. That is a great cleaner. I will be experimenting with a couple of Hermit Crabs like yourself and a large Cleaner Shrimp soon because I need a cleaner that he won't eat . I will post how that goes.

Good post!


You... You do realize this thread is 5 years old, right?

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