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green chromis changing color...


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My green chromis has ick, but he's still swimming around a lot and eating normally. But when i turn off the lights at night, the color of the chromis changes from it's normal color to a dark grey color. Both his fins and his scales turn a very dark blotchy color. Is this normal or is this because he's sick? I'm in the process of setting up a quarantine tank, but i'm going to see if he can tough it out by himself. Also, say he is able to pull though and survive the ick outbreak and fully recover by building immunity, do I still have to take him out and put him in a quarantine tank and leave my main tank empty of fish for one month so the parasites can go thorugh their life cycle without a fish in the tank? Any help is appreciated, thanks.

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Well if your turning the lights off . . then of course he'll look different since the lighting has changed. Also, if you mean he looks weird and blotchy when you first turn the light on in the morning . . that happens with the chromis in my brothers tank too. I think it gives them a bit of a jolt so they get a bit startled and flushed but look okay after a few minutes.


As for the ich problem . . I'm not much of an expert on that. If its a fish-only tank then you may be able to get some medication for it. If its got inverts in it though you should probably steer clear of medications (ESPECIALLY ones that have copper in them). My two bits . . .



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quarintine him in a separate tank with a lower salinity, freshwater dips, dips in a copper treatment folowed by a rinse (no copper AT ALL in your reef... ever)

http://www.worldoffish.com/aquanotes_html/an_sick.html this is one of of about 50 hits i got doin a search for treating marine ich. dont wait, or use the number of spots on him to judge how bad he has it, ich attacks the gills, and if the fishes gills are badly damaged its almost always fatal, regardless of how bad it looks on his body. good luck!





almost every marine fish ive ever seen changes color ( usually darker and drab) when the lights are turned off in the tank, its normal.

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