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click noises are making me crazy


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Yesterday I got out a mini mantis shrimp of my tank, it was night and i turned the main lights on and he wast in the front tank hanging around, I just grabed the net and tooked it out but I still having problems whit clicking noises at night but I have never seen the animal who does it, i don't know if is a pistol shrimp or a mantis shrimp, I don't knoe where he hides? what should I do, to ate least indetificate it, or are other animals who does clicking noises?

the click's r not very loud but I sleep next to the aquarium and i hear them, and is just one shot or two

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Caj - HA! I thought the same thing! I heard the "pop" and jumped up off the couch and started into the tank....My wife just shook her head! Then I heard the heat go "pop" as it turned off....what a let down!

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I can definitely hear clicking sounds from my tank as well.

And it's not coming from the heater.


Getting worried.


Previously I've had several mantis before and it cost me alot of money. And I still haven't caught one nor seen it. So I'm thinking it's something else like a crab? Because only the slow fish were found dead overnight without any signs of sickness!


get rid of them!!!

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