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hair algae


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Hi, I have a large growth of hair algae.

My problem is that it only grows on my substrate & not on the glass or live rock. I guess this is semi-good, however I can't pull the algae of my subtrate. When I try harvesting the algae I also harvest my substrate.

If I do the recommendations I've read about for reducing hair algae will the current algae just disappear over time? Or will it require harvesting?

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It's a process T, and may take some time. Definitely look into grazers, but also consider the source of the cause. Given your description, it sounds like your substrate is acting like a nutrient sink.

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I have a little emerald crab that seems to love hair algae. He just eats it all day long. It wasn't reducing with my snails, but now that the E.C. is on the job, I notice a difference.

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