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Innovative Marine Aquariums

20-inch 150W Current USA SunPod for sale


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I am selling a 20-inch Current USA SunPod HQI (1x150W 14K HQI-MH w/ 12 Lunar Lights). It has been used for one year and is in mint-condition. I am asking for 160$ OBO including shipping inside US.


Please drop me an email at yanbin1982@gmail.com if you have interest.



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I am selling a 20-inch Current USA SunPod HQI (1x150W 14K HQI-MH w/ 12 Lunar Lights). It has been used for one year and is in mint-condition. I am asking for 160$ OBO including shipping inside US.


Please drop me an email at yanbin1982@gmail.com if you have interest.

How old is the bulb and what kind do you have in their????

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I have used the bulb for half a year. It is still the original sunpod 14K HQI.


It has been used for one year and is in mint-condition.



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