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What's the best starfish for a beginner?


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Asterinid stars!


They're the small (dime-sized) hitchhikers you often see on LR. They've had an undeserved bad rap as coral eaters, but virtually all of the ones seen in our tanks are beneficial algae and detritus eaters. I have some that even munch bryopsis.


OK, probably not the answer you were looking for, but ...


Otherwise, stay away from sand sifters and linckia stars. They will starve in nanos (it just may take a few months).

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the easiest star to keep (in my experience) is the green serpent star. However, they get huge and they go after small fish and inverts so you either feed them and cross your fingers or you skip them.


Brittle stars are also easy to keep but they don't ship well and they can cause damage to corals as they roam the tank.


stars aren't worth the risk.

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