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HOB Fuge


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So i picked up a ac70 yesterday to modify into a hob fuge. well since my tank is a biube it doesn't fit right out of the box so i'm going to have to modify that as well which i'm sure i can do.


My question is would a k nano and the ac70 be too much flow for a 9-10 gal tank?


Next question whats the best way to mod it and what should i put where?


Yes i'm sure this is common knowledge to many but i'm a nub here.


I'm just really tired of shaking my rock off and pulling it out to clean the tank.



trying to get it done today as i have pods coming and i'd like to have a place that they can live without the sixline eating them all.

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So i picked up a ac70 yesterday to modify into a hob fuge. well since my tank is a biube it doesn't fit right out of the box so i'm going to have to modify that as well which i'm sure i can do.


My question is would a k nano and the ac70 be too much flow for a 9-10 gal tank?


Next question whats the best way to mod it and what should i put where?


Yes i'm sure this is common knowledge to many but i'm a nub here.


I'm just really tired of shaking my rock off and pulling it out to clean the tank.



trying to get it done today as i have pods coming and i'd like to have a place that they can live without the sixline eating them all.


El Fabuloso has a pico guide in the pico section that details how to mod one to a fuge using just whats in the box, some silicone, and a sharp tool or two.


As for the flow, try with just the fuge for now, and see if its enough for your situation, can always get a powerhead at a later time if its not enough. I run the fuge and a Rio50 in my 3g, its just right.


I've not heard of a Biube, someone else will hopefully chime in on where to place things in it.

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El Fabuloso has a pico guide in the pico section that details how to mod one to a fuge using just whats in the box, some silicone, and a sharp tool or two.


As for the flow, try with just the fuge for now, and see if its enough for your situation, can always get a powerhead at a later time if its not enough. I run the fuge and a Rio50 in my 3g, its just right.


I've not heard of a Biube, someone else will hopefully chime in on where to place things in it.


sweet that is exactly what i'm looking for, i just got done modifying the housing to fit my tank so when i get off work i can get the rest cut and glued in so it can sit and cure. I have the same heater as in the guide so i even know where to put that.

Yeah also need to pick up a smaller impeller as it was way too much flow. will try cutting block tab off first though.

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