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Cultivated Reef

My 5.5g nano


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Here is my AGA 5.5 gallon nano. I have been surfing this sight for awhile now and i decided to show everyone my tank.


It is a 5.5 gallon with about 7lbs of LR and 3-4lbs of LS. For my lights I made a custom hood (not the best but it works) I first added 2-19w PC's form Home Depot. Then i decided it was too yellow and ordered 2- 13 watt act 03 form Hellolights.com. and to top it all off i got 2 corallife 10w 50/50 bulbs to give me a grand total of 84watts overmy 5.5g. My tank has been running for about 3 months now and i have yet to add any livestock except for a few snails. But i plan to add some softies lps and maybe some SPS. Tell me what you think. and one more thing i haave a kick ass moon light i rigged up in one of my light sockets.

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  • 2 weeks later...

is that a scooter blenny? if so, you should know that it is not just a blenny, but a dragonet, like a mandarin, and should be treated as such with regards to feeding. It wont last long in a tank that size. No offense, but it looks like one, and I dont want to see it die on ya.

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your fish is going to die!!!!!

sorry mine died today and it ate frozen food and everything, it was also in a 15gal tank which I still think was probably toooo small. TAKE IT BACK:) sorry

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Im sure anyone on this board will second that a scooter blenny in a 5.5g is a BAD idea.


You should take it back before it dies. You could replace it with maybe another blenny or a goby.


Just be aware that the scooter blenny is a high maintanance fish with special feeding requirement. Always research a fish before you purchase it.

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my blenny is doing just fine. i feed him live brine shrimp every day and he also grazes on the many pods that have amassed in my tank after it was just sitting there with no livestock for 2 mounths and the reason i got him was to control them b/c the pods were starting to nibble at my xenia. I researched the blenny before i got him and plan on moving him to my 1yr old 29g reef in a couple weeks. and if that is too small i can put it in my dad's 55g. so before jumping to conclusions that i bought a fish without first seeing its needed care maybe you should wait and get all the facts

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thanks for all the input guys and i'm sorry if i was a bit harsh but i am proud to say that i research everything before i buy. and the moonlight is set up just like any other at this sight except i put it in the screw hole. the only modifcation i made was using a dremel to cut away some of the plastic on the inside of the socket so the led would fit in flush with the wood then i souldered on some wires and cut two little noches so the wires could come out. and that is pretty much it it was very simple and took less than an hour to do everything.

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