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Top Shelf Aquatics

How do I frag Zoas off a Piece of LR?


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Just getting a prop tank up and running (will be starting a thread soon) and I'm fine with fragging pretty much anything else even zoas that are not attach to any kind of rock structure but i'm not sure how to go about fragging off rocks



are there any threads on this or can some one shed some light for me so I don't kill any of my expensive stuff




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really sharp razor blade works well, even if you mangle a Zoa if you atleast have half the remaining head it should survive

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Just did some last night.. put your safety glasses on, they can squirt. Use a razor blade and take your time (they can be out of the water for a while).. get as close as you can (even dig into the live rock a bit if you can) and cut underneath them.

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Carefully cut the rock into little chunks with bone shears and use a razor blade to cut through the mat. Include as much of the encrusting mat on the frag as possible.

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My rock is fairly porous so I just use a chisel to basically scrap underneath them pulling a thin layer of rock off with it but leaving most of the rock behind. Then I use a sharp razor to cut the mat, and glue the whole thing down to a plug.

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you can either chip under the rock or I have a big colony on a plug and you can slowly peel the mat from underneath the polyps and glue it onto a plug.

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