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Will damsels kill my clown?


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I know everybody here hates damsels since you can't really have any other fish with them... But I’ve had a few fish come and go in my 20H and I only have one lonely OC clown fish left after moving. It has been that way for about 7 months and I can’t really spend $20-50 a piece on a handful of fish right now. I want to get a few fish to liven up the tank and have been debating getting a few green chromis or damsels of some sort. I don’t plan on having anything other than them and the one clown for at least a year when I upgrade to a bigger tank (75 gal or bigger).


I’ve got a 10 gal sump (probably holds about 7 gallons of water with the way I have it set up) so a 27 gallon capacity not counting live rock displacement. When I had 2 clowns, a firefish and a scooter blenny I had no problems with water quality. So I’m thinking maybe get a couple green chromis and a couple yellowtail or 4 stripe damsels. But the display is still only 20 gallons.


I just have a few questions:


1) Is it a bad idea to have damsels with my clown?

2) How many should I get total?

2) Does it matter how many of each kind? I know firefish have to be alone or in big groups of there kind. Is there any rule like that about damsels?




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If you're going to do it, green chromis would be the way to go. I'd probably get 3 of them. I would guess that a yellow-tail damsel, or regular blue damsel would be very aggressive toward the clown, and possibly kill it. There is a chance this would happen with chromis as well, but I'd say in a group of 3 they would be fine.

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No damsels. They're a beautiful blue in a small package, but they wreak havoc on other fish if they demand the territory. My blue damsel was added last when I had 3 fish (2 clowns and a damsel). And he had claimed the entire back section of my tank, perhaps more. Whenever a clown would get anywhere near the rock, he'd dart out and ram them, then retreat. Couldn't have that. Dug up all my rock work to get the little punk out.

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No damsels. They're a beautiful blue in a small package, but they wreak havoc on other fish if they demand the territory. My blue damsel was added last when I had 3 fish (2 clowns and a damsel). And he had claimed the entire back section of my tank, perhaps more. Whenever a clown would get anywhere near the rock, he'd dart out and ram them, then retreat. Couldn't have that. Dug up all my rock work to get the little punk out.



mine isn't that way at all infact my clown and chromis actually share there teritory they both hide in the same place when scared.

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