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Cultivated Reef

New leather


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There were a lot of Black Friday sales and I picked up a Long Polyp Leather. I have not seem it extend its polyps yet. I have him at the bottom of the tank now and I would like to puthim about half way up and towards the back. I know it can take a few days for them to adjust, but I just want to check if what it is doing so far is normal. When the main lights are out the stalk shrinks and it seems it is moping,. When the main lights come on the stalk extends and it perks up, but nothing is coming out. Is this normal? Is there anything I should be doing?


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cheryl jordan
There were a lot of Black Friday sales and I picked up a Long Polyp Leather. I have not seem it extend its polyps yet. I have him at the bottom of the tank now and I would like to puthim about half way up and towards the back. I know it can take a few days for them to adjust, but I just want to check if what it is doing so far is normal. When the main lights are out the stalk shrinks and it seems it is moping,. When the main lights come on the stalk extends and it perks up, but nothing is coming out. Is this normal? Is there anything I should be doing?

Totally normal, when stressed or acclimating to a new environment. They can stay this way sometimes for a week or more and usually develop a waxy coating that comes off when they begin to open up. Give it alittle current, sometimes that helps them to open faster.

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