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need some advice


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i just picked up a couple frags from coralfanatics. one frag is perfectly fine the other immediately started melting away. they are in a 3 gallon picotope. they both received a fw dip and are under a dual satellite CF lighting. for the first 2 days i only used actinic lighting. i moved it to a shady spot in the tank now. any suggestions? i dont want to lose the all of them. thanks.

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What kind of corals are they?

Zoas or Palys are the only kind of corals I would give a FW dip to; it would probably kill or seriously distress anything else.

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Chest Rockwell

Are they still melting? Sometimes my zoas will close for awhile and seem to shrivel up, but come back to full strength given time. Not sure what the reason for that is. I've had zoas that died but never really seen them melt away rapidly.


I'm not much of a tester myself but lots of people here would probably want to see your water parameters before giving advice.

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params are steady. everything at zero. tank has been up for a few months. it has 5 other kinds of zoas, 5 head of candy cane, 2 rics, 4 heads of hammer and some gsp. i have lost about 1/3 of this this rock. if you look at the pick it is about all of the top left corner. i have moved them to the shade and this is helping so maybe they are slowly gonna make it. but i did loose quite a bit.

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Chest Rockwell

Sounds a lot like my tank with all the softies and LPS. Sounds like moving them to the shade might be what they needed, although I wouldn't really know since I've never tried that with my own. If they take a turn for the worse maybe try an iodine dip? Sounds like you have it under control for the time being.

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