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Brown dots on glass


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I have these brown dots on my class, there are really hard to get rid of, if i scrape really hard these bown dots come off. THe brown dots grow pretty quickly, what is this stuff? they started to appear rite after my diatom bloom on the sand burned out. fuggin diatom bloom lasted almost a fuggin month, they take a long ass time to burn out. but back to the topic. what can i do to get these brown dots from coming back on my glass after spending close to an hour trying to scrape them off?


Do you think a pic helps? It always does :P


try not to barf:x



thanks again

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I clean my acrylic every other day so they don't get a chance to get established. They are a pain on my acrylic tank because my magnet has a soft felt non-scratch pad, so I have to use my credit card to scrape 'em off.


But on the glass tank at home where I can use a Mag Float, it's scrubby pad takes 'em right off. If you've got glass -- get a Mag Float.

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if you keep scraping the glass alot, the coralline algea will not grow on the glass.just clean the front glass daily and buy like 10 margarita snails(algea eating machine) and let them clean the other three side of the glass.you will get a nice green pattern they left behind and if your water is good then you will see coralline growing in no time.

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