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Top Shelf Aquatics

First time posting my nano!


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got any more pics? close ups? it looks awesome so far. what are your lighting specs? is thata 20 gallon? give specs man it looks awesome

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yeah I agree, that looks great... a little ghetto, but I like that.


I count something close to 20 SPS frags in there, how about some closer pics...


rock work looks great btw..



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Yah, that rock work is killer. It'll prolly slay me in my sleep it's so good.


Post close-ups please.


Nice sun polyps and gorgonian.

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Hehe some of my sps are pretty browned out right now. I have no idea why but I just added that second light on the right. I hope it will help.


As for closeup pics, I'll post them later if my corals start changing color. :P



150w arcadia 3 series slimline metal halide light

150w regent diy light

20gallon high

15 gallon sump/refugium

mag7 return through a scwd

and like 2 powerheads

no skimmer (wish i had one)

no cal reactor (wish i had one hehe)

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that is the nicest scaping i have seen in a while. you get the "liverocker scaping of the month award"....even though it means nothing its the thought that counts.

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close ups close ups! I like it, Is the regent a MH? new you said, see if they are sunburned. the polyps in the shade of other branches will still be open. Looks nice though, build a hood for those lights and you have a killer piece.

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I gotta agree with the others on your aquascaping. a lot of options and room for coral placement and some caves. Looks awsome.


Once your corals grow out, your nano will be the bomb!!

Post some close up shoots and don't keep us waiting for the eye candy too long.


How long has your nano been up?

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Thanks for the comment guys! My aquascaping went through many changes and after many numb fingers (remember to use gloves), it has gotten to this which I finally like.


I know the lighting looks kinda ghetto but I think I'll keep it that way. If I build a hood, I'll have to deal with heat issues. And I have no idea how to build a hood X)


My nano has been up for around 6 months. I had a 10 gallon nano before too but I transfered everything to this tank.


I'll post a pic of what it looked like before in July.

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Why don't you add some SPS? I think they make a great addition to your tank, since you only have a few now... :D Great tank! Looks very very clean too, except your Mag-o-float and PH's :P

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Wow -- I like October's scaping the best. Did you glue the rocks? How did you get them to stay put. I always have problems with them being unsteady when I stack like that.



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Very nice, as everyone else said the scaping looks great. Are you in the UK.. iv not seen those arcadias being sold over here in the states. I been trying to get my hands on one of them, nice to actually see em in use. Good deal man.

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OneOfDaZZZ - I live in downtown Vancouver, Canada : ) Usually I put down the blinds else I attract too much attention with my lights.


moorediddy - My rocks are not glued. They stacked up because I would spend hours trying to stack them up until they look okay.


Jahkaya - The left bulb is 14k bulb and the right one is a 20k bulb. I want to change the 14k bulb to a 10k bulb though cuz it seems like it's not bright enough. :P


Fant - nope i'm not in the UK and they're not sold here unfortunatly. Luckily I had a friend to bring it over. :


Thanks for the comment guys!

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