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Old monkeys kicked to the curb thread


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Estes FTW!

anybody remember the 5ft tall 3-stage monster rocket???


If I recall correctly it was called the Big Bertha. My favorite Estes rocket was the one that had the little payload area you could put bugs and stuff in before launch. We sent many a field mouse into orbit with those things!!! F'd the little buggers up pretty good i am sad to say.......


We used to make a different sort of potato gun. Same design but scaled back using 1.5" pvc and a larger combustion chamber. We used starter fluid (ether) as the propellent. Ammo was old golf balls. You could shoot a freakin golf ball through a 55 gallon drum filled with water with those things!


Yard darts were the best. Had a very Darwinian factor for the kids that played with them. The smart kids lived to play another day, the dumb ones who couldn't seem to get out of the way didn't


I used to sleep on the back shelf of the old Thunderbird every summer when we went to my grandparents farm. Mom and Dad up front chain smoking with the windows rolled up, my two sisters and brother in the back seat ####### and moaning and me racked out on the back shelf. I would fall asleep in Virginia and wake up in Florida sunburned on one side of my body! Good times.......We also would ride in the camping trailer playing poker, while it was being towed.


Anyone here remember flying a kite?



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Anyone here remember flying a kite?
Once I tied together 3 spoons of string together before it finally broke. Must have chased that kite half a mile before I found it in a tree.
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this was a few pages back but...



have you ever noticed that gars are the dumbest (or smartest) fish on the face of the earth? You can catch them, throw them back and they will wait to be caught again. Not sure if they are too dumb to get away, or smart enough to know I will release them, but that fish.... Snapping turtles are the same way...Personally I am no fan of gars, if I had a dollar for every gar "school" that decided to congregate around a fishing spot and ruin the afternoon I could buy you all one of the E&J cigars described below.


video games -

oddly enough my youngest brother plays video games all the time, but then goes and works out for 5 hours a day. It makes picking on him hard when he can lift you up and throw you in the pool. I might go over there later tonight to get him back for that....


cigars -

try E&J in Stuart Florida. Awesome cigars, get the house brand.


E & J Cigars

6582 S Kanner Hwy, Stuart, FL

(772) 463-2100‎


outdoors - i am not much into guns because they don't work in water, but fishing, swimming, hiking is a lot fun. spear fishing, if any of you have missed out on that, is the most fun you will have with half your clothes on. especially if you snorkel, because the fish tend to spread when you descend, and you don't have all the time in the world down there to setup the shot. Makes it difficult to get snappers, sheepshead still swim too slow to get away. I generally go for large adult porkfish though, porkfish tastes amazing.

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I have had E&J Brandy before but never E&J cigars. Do they sell on the net? I like Luna de Luna's myself.



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no i dont think so. the guy who runs it is an 80 year old cuban man. (not the same company as E&J Brandy) he was a foreman (?) at Romeo and Julieta(?). He doesn't speak much English, but his son is fluent and handles phone orders. Great maduro, their 50/50 is great, that is the house specialty. For regular occasions or special, they roll a good cigar.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Calling all old monkeys! So judging by your acct of presents were you a good monkey or did you throw a little poo this year? I hope that all of you got at least one good thing that you can use. I for one decided to go the I dont want anything route this year. Well I needed four new Klein tools and some salt. Got the tools but not the salt. lol. I am a little bummed though. My Christmas box of cigars didnt come in and prob wont. GRR. But... good times to all.

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I never built the Big Bertha but I built a lot of em. I built one of the size A little guys that went so high, I never saw it. In my mind I believed that God saw it, bent down, picked it up and kept it. I believe it was the AWACS or IWACS Corporal, or something. It was a really sleek one with a pointed nose cone. I couldn't believe one of the A size could go that high.

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Militant Jurist
Calling all old monkeys! So judging by your acct of presents were you a good monkey or did you throw a little poo this year? I hope that all of you got at least one good thing that you can use. I for one decided to go the I dont want anything route this year. Well I needed four new Klein tools and some salt. Got the tools but not the salt. lol. I am a little bummed though. My Christmas box of cigars didnt come in and prob wont. GRR. But... good times to all.


Sorry to hear bout the Christmas cigars. :( Isn't that the way it works though, you get what you weren't counting on. As the wise philosopher Jagger once said, "you can't always get what you want, but if you try sometime you find you get what you need."


I probably fall into the good monkey category. I got a heater/uv filter/humidifier for my house (a hint that my family thinks 62 degrees is too cold), two new suits (it was BOGO) and some new decorations for the house. Oh, and cash. The cash will go toward livestock for the 29g. :happy:


Found an MP40 upgrade kit and a Reefkeeper lite under the tree this year.


I guess I must have been a good boy.




Yeah, I'd say the upgrade kit and the RKL DEFINITELY qualifies you for the good monkey category. ;)

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