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That's the dreaded RED DEATH WORM!!! :scarry: If you so much as even make it think you see it, it can fire it's deadly, neurotoxin filled, razor barbed stingers out of the water at a distance of over TEN FEET! What's worse? The poison eats through your flesh like acid through calcium, turning your extremities black and dissolving your bones... :scarry:


























Nah, it's a bristleworm. Personally I wish I could find a huge fire worm, it would make a cool creature for a species tank, IMO.

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That's the dreaded RED DEATH WORM!!! :scarry: If you so much as even make it think you see it, it can fire it's deadly, neurotoxin filled, razor barbed stingers out of the water at a distance of over TEN FEET! What's worse? The poison eats through your flesh like acid through calcium, turning your extremities black and dissolving your bones... :scarry:


Lol. You almost had me :P

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It is a fire worm (the large white bristles are one indicator), which is a type of bristle worm. Yours is a harmless scavenger, though you should avoid touching the bristles.

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It is a fire worm (the large white bristles are one indicator), which is a type of bristle worm. Yours is a harmless scavenger, though you should avoid touching the bristles.

unless you enjoy the feeling of insulation stuck in your skin!

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