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water purifier vs distilled water


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I am setting up a new tank for the first time and I was wondering if using tap water through a purifier is ok as compared to using distilled water for my first setup?

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imo if you're talking about 55g+ then tapwater via purifier is ok but if you're talking about <30g then go with the distilled. the subsequent problems aren't worth it for a tiny system. it's not really that onerous of a cost for a nano versus a larger tank.


same concept explains the initial popularity of southdown sand imo. why bother getting southdown for a nano? any aragonite sand will do but the larger tank aquarists try to get a pallet of southdown because of cost. one bag of caribsea at $17 isn't too bad for us but imagine 20+ bags at the same price for a big tank.

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imo distilled is the best option, usually.


for example: 10g tank


you can get 3-bottles of distilled water at almost any water fountain/bottle company (the kind for office coolers) at around $3~$5 per bottle. this covers the initial setup and at least the first 5~10 water changes (about 10% week).


i don't think a few dollars for good quality water (or good quality salt, for that matter) will exceed anyone's budget here. if so, go raise some goldfish or a chia pet 'cause this hobby's expensive. the typical semi-annual light bulbs replacement schedule will more likely financially kill you instead.

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The best options, IMO, in order are:


1. Buy a RO/DI unit to make your own

2. Purchase RO/DI or pre-made saltwater from LFS

3. Use distilled, be sure to check it for copper

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