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Coral Vue Hydros

1 gallon Pico Evolution...

Micro-Reefs Aquariums

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Micro-Reefs Aquariums
I'm sure you know by now, but GREAT TANK!!!!!!!!


Could you elaborate on how much you dose for such a small environment. Also, do you put the Chemi pure in a media bag in the filter? How often do you have to change the media?




Thanks for all your comments, it's what fuels us to keep posting and sharing with the community. You reefers know this is an addiction, should I say more?


The AC20 ships with filter floss and simple charcoal. I'm using just the basic setup that came with the AC20. If you follow my post in the past, you will see that I'm not a big fan of DIY projects.


Not that I don't like the DIY projects, I just don't have the time or tools to create these fantastic ideas. I therefore lean on the KISS rule. Keep it simple stupid rule. :) You buy it, take it out and put it on your tank.


My real magic comes in the selection of the rubble I pick and the frags that go into my tank. I need stellar equipment to maintain such a fragile ecosystem, just ask Fab he will tell you the same.


The chemipure that I have purchased is the 1/2 unit, and it's ready after I exhaust the charcoal that came with my filter. It stays in the bag it ships and there is no need to place it in another filter bag. It could clog if you add to much barrier.


The chemipure will last easily in this size tank a good 6 months since the volume is super small. It also creates a really nice blue tint to your water that makes your tank shout!


On a note about getting the tank, I'm trying to get a shipment of tanks and will announce once I have them. I'm only trying to sell just a couple as I want to make sure the users of this tank really benefit from it's beauty but are warned how fragile this guy is if not reefed properly.


More to come....

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Thanks for answering my questions, I appreciate the response. But...


If you don't mind, I still have a couple more, maybe dumb, questions about your tank, and then I will leave you alone... maybe....


I noticed at the start of the thread a pic with all the components displayed. You have a Red Sea Deco Art filter in the pic, is this something you use along with the AC20? I cannot see this in place in any other pic.


Next, you mention the additives you use, the Kent Marine Starter pack. How much and how often would you use these products, I understand (mostly) what they do. Do your corals just "let you know" when it's time, or do you dose on a regular basis.


Last, how often and what are you feeding your corals. They are beautiful.


I am sorry to be a pain, I appreciate getting info from someone who obviously is doing it right. KISS or not.


P.S.- I would be interested in tank/set-up when you have them available. Thanks.

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Micro-Reefs Aquariums
Thanks for answering my questions, I appreciate the response. But...


If you don't mind, I still have a couple more, maybe dumb, questions about your tank, and then I will leave you alone... maybe....


I noticed at the start of the thread a pic with all the components displayed. You have a Red Sea Deco Art filter in the pic, is this something you use along with the AC20? I cannot see this in place in any other pic.


Next, you mention the additives you use, the Kent Marine Starter pack. How much and how often would you use these products, I understand (mostly) what they do. Do your corals just "let you know" when it's time, or do you dose on a regular basis.


Last, how often and what are you feeding your corals. They are beautiful.


I am sorry to be a pain, I appreciate getting info from someone who obviously is doing it right. KISS or not.


P.S.- I would be interested in tank/set-up when you have them available. Thanks.




First off, I love your questions and any others that come my way. I love this hobby and thus the questions that come down the alley. Having said that let me fire away at your questions.


1. Regarding the Red Sea Deco Art filter, when coming back to the hobby to build this Pico again, I wanted to market them to other reefers, nothing big, just a couple tanks here and there to see if hobbiers wanted one. In thinking about cost factors, I purchased a couple HOB filters. The AC20 is the premier choice for serious hobbiest, but I needed to try out other HOB filters as well. Enter the RedSea which is not going to work on my line of picos. It just doesn't have the water movement I was looking for, and is more suited for Betta tanks in my opinion. There are two other HOB filters that I am testing as I write, and they are much cheaper than the AC20, again I'm trying to keep this pico way down in price to make them very affordable. Stocking the tank is up to the reefer himself, which is the funnest part of the hobby. I will be suppling just the live sand and premium live rock hand picked by me. I plan on taking pictures of certain setups and letting the reefer choose his rock. I'm growing it in my gargage and it is free of flat worms and has plenty of purple coraline.


2. Kent Marine Starter pack. I went with what I know. I have used this product in the past with amazing results. With a Pico that is getting blasted with such a high intensity of light on such a small tank, the corals all pull the nutrients pretty quickly. If I wasn't adding additives I would be doing water changes once a week if that. The dosing of Kent allows you to do a simple once a month water change that takes no more than watering a house plant. I dose two drops of each, every other day and it's very simple, just lift the top of the AC20 plastic lid and drop into the current away from the carbon, it goes directly onto your corals. Simple and efficient.


3. Asking about what I feed my corals. My corals are reaching its third week and I might have to get rid of the frog spawn, becuase she is growing and expanding. I might need to replace her with a beautiful Blasto which will keep in size for a pico. So the light and additives is what feeds the corals.


I have you noted for a simple small setup, and as soon as I clear RAD you will be one of my first to get a Pico setup. :)


Mike G

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2. Kent Marine Starter pack. I went with what I know. I have used this product in the past with amazing results. With a Pico that is getting blasted with such a high intensity of light on such a small tank, the corals all pull the nutrients pretty quickly. If I wasn't adding additives I would be doing water changes once a week if that. The dosing of Kent allows you to do a simple once a month water change that takes no more than watering a house plant. I dose two drops of each, every other day and it's very simple, just lift the top of the AC20 plastic lid and drop into the current away from the carbon, it goes directly onto your corals. Simple and efficient.



Mike G


I didn't know that by using that starter pack you only have to water change once a month......that's amazing! Great pico btw. I might have to get myself the starter pack once i start filling my pico

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sweet pico

one question though- what stage RKlite is that? did it come with the moonlights? i want a controler for my pico thanks!


also let me know about buying a bare setup with just the tank (those awesome light clips too, i have the same light) and maybe filter

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I think this is hands down the best pico since its the definition of a pico. I have never seen a 1 gallon aquarium as clean and sweet livestock as this one. I've seen other people's make smaller picos, but the content is just not there

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Micro-Reefs Aquariums
sweet pico

one question though- what stage RKlite is that? did it come with the moonlights? i want a controler for my pico thanks!


also let me know about buying a bare setup with just the tank (those awesome light clips too, i have the same light) and maybe filter




Yes that is the Rklite with the addition of moonlights from Digital Aquatics. I did a little research and learned that it was more cost effective to purchase the addition which comes with two moonlights for only $69 bucks vs paying $43 dollars and having no controller.


The Rklite allows for an incredible amount of control to dimming the lights following the Moon cycle, you just sit back and enjoy your tank, each night is different and makes viewing your tank a super treat on the different nights. Your critters love the lights, I've seen different behaviors from my tiny blue legged hermits and the sexy shrimps also behave different.


You will be second on the list for the 1 gallon tank just basic bare with a HOB of your choice if you want it. I will be sending out PM to you guys shortly after I have completed RAD.



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Micro-Reefs Aquariums
I didn't know that by using that starter pack you only have to water change once a month......that's amazing! Great pico btw. I might have to get myself the starter pack once i start filling my pico




Remember that this tank is almost a complete closed mini ecosystem. You just add a little purified water once every three days if that, the evaporation is a lot slower in this tank since it has a glass top as oppose to tanks that don't.


And you add very little water, maybe a quarter of the bottle, almost like watering a simple house plant.


The Kent starter kit last forever and dosing is simple, just two drops of each every other day. The corals are reacting really nicely to this dosage.



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I remember you tank and username from 2005 when i first got the sw bug. What a beauty is was and is.

Thank you kind sir for introducing me to this hobby !!

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Micro-Reefs Aquariums
I think this is hands down the best pico since its the definition of a pico. I have never seen a 1 gallon aquarium as clean and sweet livestock as this one. I've seen other people's make smaller picos, but the content is just not there


I really appreciate your comments, I like the majority of these reefers take a great deal of time to view all options and carry through with best possible practices...


I feel almost any intermediate reefer can get these spectacular results with a little patience and guidance... :)

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Micro-Reefs Aquariums
I remember you tank and username from 2005 when i first got the sw bug. What a beauty is was and is.

Thank you kind sir for introducing me to this hobby !!


I need to thank all of you! Nice to have some of my original old school reefers are coming by to say hello, and encourage me to build even better reefs than I did in my past...


Really, to all of you that new me back then, thanks for your comments. And to all the new reefers that are dropping by to say hi, thanks. All of your comments are well received.




Michael Guerrero

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Remember that this tank is almost a closed complete mini ecosystem. You just add a little purified water from a drinking bottle once every three days if that, the evaporation is a lot slower in this tank since it has a class top as oppose to tanks that don't.


And it's very little maybe a quarter of the bottle, almost like watering a simple house plant.


The Kent starter kit last forever and dosing is simple, just two drops of each every other day. The corals are reacting really nicely to this dosage.





I take it that you're using the kent marine reef starter pack? i saw a kent marine marine starter pack also so i got a little confused. You're lucky you have a glass lid on top of your tank...my pico is topless

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Hi all,


Just wanted to share with you my new addition to my pico. My yuma came in, and I went to pick him up. He came with a baby Florida ricordea on the rock. I rearranged my yuma to be one of my show pieces in the front, and I moved the two larger rics on the left side of the tank.


What do you guys think?


Here is a FTS...



Closer view of pico...




Your tank is Smexy :D

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Micro-Reefs Aquariums
Wow, awesome stuff! I want one:)


I got you down, and will be sending you a PM shortly....





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Micro-Reefs Aquariums

Hey all,


Here is another update with the pico. I returned the frogspawn and got some credit and came home with some new corals...


So what do you guys think?



Closer shot of pico...



Just wasn't complete without a Sexy Shrimp macro...



I just love Yumas, macro shot...


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