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Cultivated Reef

Serpent Star question


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Recently my 5 gallon nano crashed....I lost everyone in the tank except 3-4 BL Hermits, 1 Zoo, and my Serpent Star.


I moved everything that wasn't dead into a bucket with some clean water and a heater, removed 50% of the water, and replaced the water with 1/2 new water and 1/2 cycled water from my lfs, where I work.


After I ran polyfilter for 4 hours (which showed nothing I might add) I began acclimating the Serpent star. During the acclimation process, it developed a bubble which became quite large until it burst free. It was really disturbing to see this, though it seems fine now.


Is this normal? And how often should I feed a 5 gallon that has inverts (2 cleaner shrimp, SS, Hermits, Snails) several corals, and 1 PJ Cardinal? I think I may have overfed the tank and caused a mini cycle that caused my tank to crash.


Thanks for any help!

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