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Innovative Marine Aquariums

ID acro?


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Just out of curiosity, is there a name for this acro? I am not familiar with the names and went on a couple sellers sites, but to me lots of them look the same. I don't have the eye yet to tell them apart.

Guess I am like the girl the other day in the reef shop that commented how all the zoanthids looked the same to her. Didn't even see a difference in the colors. Hope I am not that far gone though. lol


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Pretty close to me. Thanks much.


You're welcome. The garf bonsai is a very beautiful and sought after coral. If you get one, be sure to post pics. ;)

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You're welcome. The garf bonsai is a very beautiful and sought after coral. If you get one, be sure to post pics. ;)

That is it. I have had it for about 3 weeks now. It is really coloring up nice.

Here is when I first got it.


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