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re-aquascaping! any ideas?


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I did the two island idea a few weeks ago when I redid my aquascape. I ended up connecting them in the back with a piece of rock that fit perfect, it gives it more depth.


The minimalist scaping is also a cool look.

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wow that looks awesome. how did u go about re-scaping? did u take everything out and redo it? or keep the rock inside the tank? were there any after effects like a mini-cycle or did u ddo a w/c right after?

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wow that looks awesome. how did u go about re-scaping? did u take everything out and redo it? or keep the rock inside the tank? were there any after effects like a mini-cycle or did u ddo a w/c right after?


I had a 5g bucket with new saltwater and used that to place some of the rocks and corals in while I moved stuff around. I didn't really stir up much sand so nothing was bothered. It seems it would take a lot of commotion to create a mini cycle in an established tank. Just do a water change after wards and use lots of filter floss.

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why wont nanoreef.com let me upload a pic?!?!


Not really sure. What I do is save my pics to a folder in my documents. When your posting a reply, there is a button under Attachment Editor called Choose File. Click it. It should allow you to find your picture folder and open it up. Select the pic you want. Click the green UPLOAD button. Then under the Manage Current Attachments drop-down, click on the link. It should appear in you post. Add reply and your done.


I know its long, that's just the method I use. I don't bother trying to upload pics to the N-R gallery as it makes you resize it so much. You could also open a Photo Bucket account. It makes it much easier.


Good luck!

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