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Hawaii_Bio_Cube's BC14


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looks cool!


If that rock is touching the glass you might want to move it in a bit as you will never be able to clean the glass around it.

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looks cool!


If that rock is touching the glass you might want to move it in a bit as you will never be able to clean the glass around it.


Good call! I'll move it over a bit.

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Despite the rock touching the glass it looks great and gives you tons of room for corals since it looks like the light hits almost all of it.

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awesome! man, so do you just get saltwater from the sea when u do ur water change?


I was going to till i saw how much the fines are. Your allowed 1 gallon a day if your native and I'm not. I'll just settle for the 50 cent a gallon RO/DI stuff. If a get a collectors license I can go diving and get my own snails, fish, ect. I'm kinda thinking it's going to be a biotope type tank, since i can only legally have local marine life.

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I was going to till i saw how much the fines are. Your allowed 1 gallon a day if your native and I'm not. I'll just settle for the 50 cent a gallon RO/DI stuff. If a get a collectors license I can go diving and get my own snails, fish, ect. I'm kinda thinking it's going to be a biotope type tank, since i can only legally have local marine life.



Wow, really? What's the reasoning behind that? Love the rock though so colorful.

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Wow, really? What's the reasoning behind that? Love the rock though so colorful.



I don't know. I could probably get away with it if i wanted to. I love the colors too. I'll post another pic at 1 week.

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I got my Media rack today (Thanks StevieT) and I put it together. Did I do it right?


1. Filter Floss


2. Micro algae and light. (Thinking about changing it to blue since it shines out the back of my tank and i think blue would look cool. Will that affect the growing to much?)


3. LR, Filter floss, Activated Charcoal (Should I add chemi-pure instead?)







I got a fake anemone since i can't really have one in a tank this small. Is this a good idea or will the clowns even use it? Does it look stupid?



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I like the rocks and the look, along with the media tray.


I would stay away from plastic anemones, I know there are inverts that will pick at it, and I think it can be harmful for the tank. I wouldn't put filter floss in the bottom of the rack, unless you are going to be taking it out and replacing it regularly. I understand you want to use it as padding, but any filter floss-type stuff should be replaced often.

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I like the rocks and the look, along with the media tray.


I would stay away from plastic anemones, I know there are inverts that will pick at it, and I think it can be harmful for the tank. I wouldn't put filter floss in the bottom of the rack, unless you are going to be taking it out and replacing it regularly. I understand you want to use it as padding, but any filter floss-type stuff should be replaced often.


Good idea I'll take it out. Any advice about the chemi pure? Should i wait till after cycle to add?

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  • 2 weeks later...
I was going to till i saw how much the fines are. Your allowed 1 gallon a day if your native and I'm not. I'll just settle for the 50 cent a gallon RO/DI stuff. If a get a collectors license I can go diving and get my own snails, fish, ect. I'm kinda thinking it's going to be a biotope type tank, since i can only legally have local marine life.


You could get free NSW from the Waikiki Aquarium (you might have to be a member though) or you could go to sand island, they've got a spidget there & it's pretty much take what you can carry back.


Nice rock btw, got some nice coraline on them.

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Cool pic. Take out the filter floss from the bottom shelf, use it only one the top. No reason for the live rock rubble that may also cause problems down the road.


Put the chemi pure in after your cycle.

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Another possibility is you could place the macro algae in the bottom section of the MR and place the chemipure elite in the middle section. This allows more room for the micro algae to grow. This is how I have it set up, but with purigen in the bottom section - with the macro algae.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Day 20:


I believe my cycle is complete and my nitrites have been 0 for 4 days. I'm getting my CUC late next week. Currently working a temp issue since 78-88 is not acceptable. Looking at buying a chiller to remedy the problem. I also want to get a cleaner shrimp a few days after the CUC. I have tons of algae growing and the tank looks pretty green. Kinda worried about the bubbles forming everywhere, hope there not bubble algae since I'd like to rescape it before adding livestock next week. Any opinions or ideas are appreciated.



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Cool pic. Take out the filter floss from the bottom shelf, use it only one the top. No reason for the live rock rubble that may also cause problems down the road.


Put the chemi pure in after your cycle.


I added the chemi pure to the bottom chamber and moved the rubble to middle with the micro algae. I'll take out the rubble when my cheato gets here this week.


You could get free NSW from the Waikiki Aquarium (you might have to be a member though) or you could go to sand island, they've got a spidget there & it's pretty much take what you can carry back.


Nice rock btw, got some nice coraline on them.



Thanks for the tip I'll look into both options.

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Update Day 24:


Well I've already made my compulsory buy mistakes. I got a few Zebra hermits and a Sally light foot crab. Then after a simple forum search found out that the zebra will attack my snails and the sally will pretty much mess with everyone once he gets big. So i plan on bringing them back to the LFS and waiting till some blue leg hermits are available instead. I have to admit those crabs did get some crazy cleaning done thought. I enjoyed watching the sally pull up whole stalks of hair algae and eat it. I'm liking my feather dusters and have dosed phytoplankton for them since they are so big and i fear there not getting enough out of the water alone. My real CUC gets here in a few days from Reef-Cleaner.org and they should take care of the rest of my algae issues. I'm planning on getting my cleaner shrimp sometime next week and 2 weeks after that zoas or maybe the clowns. I'm trying not to rush but it's all so exciting. Any opinions or ideas are appreciated. Thanks.

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