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Something other then live sand??


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Could I use normal play sand from like pevey mart or something like that?? I know I'd have to wash it for a few hours to make sure it's clean but all in all is it possible?? The tank I want to use is a 25g.

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Silica sand (play sand) causes alot of problems. First, it doesn't do a good job supporting micro fauna. Second it doesn't support much bacterial life. Third, the bacteria that could live in it cause many problems, such as hydrogen sulfide gas. I can go on and on about the bad things for silica sand. It has no place in a marine aquarium. Just get aragonite and live rock. Aragonite sand is about $.50 a pound, and will become live sand if it's exposed to live rock. HTH


P.S., I think all of us have been tempted at one point or another to use silica sand. Just don't do it.

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No need to be rude. People like you are why I stopped comming here for a while. This is the beginner forum not the advanced one. It's for people just starting out with SW and don't know everything. We don't need people putting us down for wanting to learn.

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When you just post a question, a QUESTION THAT HAS BEEN ASKED A MILLION TIMES, people get frustrated. YOU CAME HERE TO LEARN! Try helping yourself, use the SEARCH button, before you ask questions!



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How am I supposed to know what's been asked?? Also why not ask a question from people who know?? And I have helped myself I do it everytime I buy a new reptile or anything like that. There is nothing wrong with me asking here. Maybe people shouldn't assume that a beginner knows everything. And forums are for asking questions and all that.

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ask away rebecca. you're right, it's the beginners' forum so anything's fair game but posters are immune. DMZ


in the lounge, everything's fair game.


in chat, you're meat. :P


otoh, it is good to try and use the search button whenever possible but more so in the fact that the topics/threads returned can probably give you a very detailed answer (whole thread & many opinions) versus a quick reply.


aragonite is a form of calcium carbonate, which is the basis of the skeletal structure for corals and coralline algae. you can have chunks (rock) or you can have bits (sand). hth

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You know what's been asked by SEARCHING BEFORE YOU POST!


and FYI, I think most people here use the "view new posts" button as opposed to the lurker board links.

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If i was being rude i would say F*k off but all i said was use search. There are articles on this site that people have taken time to write to answer all your questions. No its not wrong to post a question here and we all make an effort to help but you have to initiate some volition on your end and read up before posting. It just saves you flames in the future.

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she posted in the beginners area guys. why maybe drive a potential N-R supporter away?


Rebecca, you can buy live sand in your local fish store, it comes in bags. it is expensive (30 dollars per 20 pounds). buy maybe one bag and mix it with argonite and it will help your cycle.


any questions just PM me if you want.


what kind of reptiles you got Rebecca?




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The beginners forum is exactly that. A place for beginners to ask questions. Smokin-Reefer and Reefer_Buddha, if you don't want to answer questions that have been asked before, in the future please skip over the post rather than post rude remarks.


Rebecca has a very good point. She commented that she had stopped coming to Nano-Reef for a while because of rude people. This is what Chris and the other moderators are trying to control.


Thanks for your cooperation on this matter.

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I didn't post a single rude comment, I told her to help herself, and told her how to do that, and why people seem to give her "rude" comments.


See your point, will act accordingly :)



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Thanks for those who stuck up for me. Anyway my LFS does not do SW at all. Only fresh, that's why I asked about the playsand it's easier to get that then live sand. If I have to order off the net then I'll just get live sand, bit more $ but oh well. Now I've tried finding some online stores but I can't seem to find any Canadian ones. Anyone know of one?? I found Big Als but I don't think they ship anymore. At least that's what one of my friends said. As for my reptiles I currently only have 1 waterdragon, 2 crested geckos, 4 leopard geckos, and 1 house gecko. Looking for more always!!

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call up www.canadianreef.com they are a canada mail order.




Originally posted by Smokin-Reefer

When you just post a question, a QUESTION THAT HAS BEEN ASKED A MILLION TIMES, people get frustrated. YOU CAME HERE TO LEARN! Try helping yourself, use the SEARCH button, before you ask questions!




You weren't flaming no, but you were screaming like a little kid. Like Caja said, If you don't wanna help the newbies, ignore them, don't try to be like ESPI and bash them. You could simply say do a search for silica sand at the top of the page, instead of screaming it.


Becca , Also try www.ipsf.com for LS , and all sorts of good creatures!

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Big Al's still ships; if it didn't, I would have been screwed several times. Skimmer, DI unit, aragonite, etc. My advice is this: RESEARCH, RESEARCH, AND MORE RESEARCH. Also, make sure to do things right the first time. It will save your time and money (I probably could have save at least $500.) This might be an important time to discuss lighting. I started my tank as FOWLR, with a perfecto strip light. I upgraded over the summer to a Coralife Aqualight. About 2 months ago, I found out that it will not have the intensity to keep corals coloration. Now, I have to figure out how to fit a 70 HQI halide in my aqualight. Moral of the story: make a plan, and stick to it. Also, many authors suggest buy all of your equipment as if you were going to set up a full-blown reef. It makes sense; spend more initially on your equipment, you won't have to replace it. Spend less, you have to pay the lesser cost plus the higher cost of better equipment later (this is how I wasted $500).

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maroon is right on! 'do things right the first time'. it is an expensive hobby rebecca, your worry about the expense on your first item (sand) does not bode well for the future.


get a bearded dragon rebecca! a male! you will LOVE it!




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Originally posted by nalbar

get a bearded dragon rebecca! a male! you will LOVE it!



I have a female bearded dragon that we've had for 8 years now. We love her! She's a great pet. Bearded dragons are awesome. Totally off-topic, I know...

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