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Should i fight with these ?


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+1 I'd let it grow, it will take nutrients from other algaes and will look good. if you don't like it you can always just ;et it keep growing and then frag it and sell it. look on the reefcleaners site for more info on that algae under their products

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+1 I'd let it grow, it will take nutrients from other algaes and will look good. if you don't like it you can always just ;et it keep growing and then frag it and sell it. look on the reefcleaners site for more info on that algae under their products


Is he talking about the flame Algae or the brown slimy stuff on the bottom? I think he is talking about the brown algae on the bottom around the flame algae


It could be diatoms. How long has your tank been set up?

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Is he talking about the flame Algae or the brown slimy stuff on the bottom? I think he is talking about the brown algae on the bottom around the flame algae


It could be diatoms. How long has your tank been set up?


either that or cyano, either way I'd suggest siphoning it out and then getting more flow in that area

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Is he talking about the flame Algae or the brown slimy stuff on the bottom?


+1, I thought he was asking about the slimy stuff around the bottom of the rock on the sandbed... looks like dinoflagellates... *EDIT: could be cyano if it's a solid mat, if it's 'snotty' it's dinos.


Otherwise, +1 on Halymenia or Flame / Dragons Tongue algae. Nice stuff, I've been looking for some.

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When did the change to Halymenia come about? Dragon Breath, Dragon's Tongue yes...but the last 2 weeks it is Flame Algae? this is all new to me. :)

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Thank you for replies, i was asking them all. But what bothers me is the brown stuff on the sandbed, also have them in the corners at the bottom, there are some green stuff on the rear glass but they dont really disturb me.


So i will keep the flame and dragon tongue and remove the brown stuff...guess its lack of circulation, or increasing phosphate & silicate ? It's been 4 months and a week since first setup.


I use Distilled water and make %10 changes every week. I use seachem Seachem:Reef plus weekly, and Reef carbonate & Reef complete and Redsea success buffer if i see any changes in the test results. But my results are pretty stable since the cycle completed. Only i have nitrate about 5-10 ppm.


I have Koralia Nano and Pico 200 wavemakers, maybe i could add one more Koralia Nano for my 16G.(72 liters) tank ?



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It looks like diatoms to me which I am dealing with as well (tank is still new). I had some bubbles in mine when it started but they have gone away. Is this film a mat ( does it come up in one piece?) or is it more of a powder? My guess is you have silcates in your water that are fueling the diatoms. Have you added any new rock lately? I got my diatom bloom when I added some dry rock that I thought was clean but obviously wasn't. I have cut my light cycle to 3-4 hours over the last 3 days and it has helped tremendously. From what I have read, diatoms will work themseleves out once their food source (silicates) are exhausted. Not sure about distillled water so maybe switching to RO/DI if you can might help som too. Just throwing out some ideas.

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