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Innovative Marine Aquariums

Randy's 2-part dosing HELP!


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Hey everyone,


Ive been dosing 9mL of calcium and alkalinity. After 2 days of dosing here are the results:


Calcium: 460

Alk: 4.5meq/L


It seems both have risen substantially from original.



Alk 3.5meq/L


Should I wait until alk drops to around 3.5meq/L then start dosing again and maybe not dose as much calcium


Question: Do both parts have to be dosed equally?

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Hey everyone,


Ive been dosing 9mL of calcium and alkalinity. After 2 days of dosing here are the results:


Calcium: 460

Alk: 4.5meq/L


It seems both have risen substantially from original.



Alk 3.5meq/L


Should I wait until alk drops to around 3.5meq/L then start dosing again and maybe not dose as much calcium


Question: Do both parts have to be dosed equally?


They should be added evenly if your tank is consuming them evenly which is not always the case. I consider it more of a general guideline. How did you come up with 9ml per day? How do you know that is how much you are supposed to dose? Where is your Mg?


The best thing to do is measure your tank first thing in the morning. Don't dose anything all day. Check it again 2 days later. Figure out how much your tank consumed in those 2 days and divide by 2 to figure out your daily dosing. You should do this for both Ca and Alk as they could both be different as I stated above. Then, use one of the online calculators to figure out how much you need to dose. Don't (I repeat DON'T) follow the instructions on the bottle.



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