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pinkbar goby hiding/how manny fish in a pico


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i won a pinkbar goby yesterday so i put her in my jbj pico she made a nice lil hole and would come out to catch food, today she is hiding in a rock that 2 holes that lead to a cave, cant see her to well, but that wont be a problem if she hangs out in front of her cave looking for food will she do that? what are there behaver like?


question 2: could i put another really small fish in there? (one that swims) or what about another goby like my yellow watchman goby?


wisdomteethpico077.jpg <3 so cute

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According to LiveAquaria the Pinkbar Goby can get 4" in length and the recommended tank size is 30g. So I doubt it's a good idea to even have it in your pico.

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That fish will be fine. Probably for a while but may outgrow that tank. Don't add any other fish. One is pushing it for 3 gallons of water.


It's gonna burrow....it's what they do. He will come out more and more once he gets used to it's surroundings.

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I have one, only seen it twice since adding it in my tank. was rearranging stuff and saw it try to jump out of the tank. it eventually ran to the corner to hide. kinda ucks these gobies don't come out often. I have a pair of firefish, 1 tangora goby and 1 pink bar goby

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In the wild they live commensally in a burrow with a pistol shrimp. Yours might feel a little more "at home" if he has a buddy. Mine shared his home with a red-banded pistol shrimp- I'm not sure if there are other varieties of pistol they will share with, but here's a pic of my pinkbar/red-banded shrimp pair:




They are JUMPERS- they will find a way out of the smallest hole- so be sure to have a good lid on your tank.

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According to LiveAquaria the Pinkbar Goby can get 4" in length and the recommended tank size is 30g. So I doubt it's a good idea to even have it in your pico.

i sall that too but they also said clownfish need a 30 gal and you know people keep 2 in 10 gals or even smaller lol and EL Fab has a damsel in his pico so i know this lil guy is no problem,


iv seen people keep a firefish (same size as my goby) and another fish and i was hoping they would tell me what there water params were and if the pico handled the bioload


she came out for 5 min so i fed her she ate then went back to hiding but dang she was beautiful (same time as yesterday i wonder if she is used to eating at 11?) i love her but id like to see movement so i was thinking about a Court jester goby(I'm not ignoring your advice just wondering and thinking, cuz 5 years ago a pico was "impossible" i know there is limits just don't know how far..)

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In the wild they live commensally in a burrow with a pistol shrimp. Yours might feel a little more "at home" if he has a buddy. Mine shared his home with a red-banded pistol shrimp- I'm not sure if there are other varieties of pistol they will share with, but here's a pic of my pinkbar/red-banded shrimp pair:




They are JUMPERS- they will find a way out of the smallest hole- so be sure to have a good lid on your tank.

i was thinking about adding a pistol shrimp but i have a yellow watchman goby/canycane pistol pair (who was gonna go in the pico till i won her :wub: ) and he hides more (with the shrimp) now more than my pinkspot watchman goby and my first yellow watchman goby ... will she hide more? well she cant hide any more than she is now so why not :P

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In the wild they live commensally in a burrow with a pistol shrimp. Yours might feel a little more "at home" if he has a buddy. Mine shared his home with a red-banded pistol shrimp- I'm not sure if there are other varieties of pistol they will share with, but here's a pic of my pinkbar/red-banded shrimp pair:




They are JUMPERS- they will find a way out of the smallest hole- so be sure to have a good lid on your tank.



that is a awesome photo!

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