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birdman204's Minibow - Take 2


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wanna second the request to see the fuge and plumbing (specially the scwd) pics. The tank looks great, and I count it as one of my 'inspiration' tanks for starting my own MB.



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Thanks Mar, Swapped out the 10K ushio this weeked for a 20K ( I think it's aqualine) Bulb , I can definatley see the difference, and the tank definatley looks more deep water. The color change from the actinics to when the halides come on is subtle but noticable. I like and will probably use these bulbs in the future. It is the 3rd one down. I will have gil over later this week or early next week if he likes to take some pictures. Oh yeah more tank setup pics coming, my wife had surgery last week so I've been busy taking care of here, i will get them up soon I promise.

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Here are some setup pictures, i hope they help answer any questions. This is the box I built to hide cords and fans and plugs, and timers...... you get the idea, and the hood was custom built, I cut the top the same shape as the minibow's top, then cut the curved portion off, added L brackets inside for stability attached to 5 inch pieces for height, and a small piece of 1x1 to rest on the tank lip. I also use this wood piece to suspend my acrylic uv shield for my bulb ( which was replaced with a 20K bulb from Tunze USA). the front was a 1x6 and I used a jigsaw to cut 2 curved pieces in which to attach the door trim moulding to create the " bamboo" look. The bottom of the two brace pieces rests on the front of the minbow when closed, and the entire front curved portion flips back for comlete tank access.

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this is the side view of the construction. the very sliver of the fan can be seen on the right. half of that fan blows across the water , the other half over the shield. The plumbing all have cutouts, for UV protection, and even if it doesn't need it, a fish / splash guard for the lights.

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the rest of the plumbing, topoff switch and return and fuge, now using a reverse photo period. Man I really need to build a cabinet for the back of this thing.......

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These SPS are mighty hearty.... I lost half this colony to improper light acclimation ( Totally my fault, imana$$ ) and then this piece soon after was stung my my Yellow polyps, The colony is growing away as evident by the new growth on the opposite side...

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Thanks Ashley. I am heading out of town, and was gonna have Gil come over for some new pics under the 20K, but don't have time. I will call him and try to get him over next week. If you have any questions also, feel free to ask. Nothing new in nano land, well, My monti cap I broke off, and looked dead/dying, has now greened up, started to encrest a new base , and the purple rim is darkening up. Also I swapped out my monster hermits for a few micro hermits from IPSF and am currently trying to evict my scarlet cleaner to the 80g , I can't catch him tho. he's too fast! Gotta love the micro hermits!

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