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My 15g setup


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Hey there fellow nano-nians,


IT's been up and running for over a week...


Water is 30degrees constant cause in Malaysia that's our usual temp...


Here's my 15G tank setup...

1 x 1200 lph pump

1 x 300 lph pump

20W Azoo Coral Blue light

4Kg's of LR

20Kg's of LF

1 x pecula clown

and weird unidentified snails and what looks like an anemone



Tell me what you think guys...


Just say anything at all...

Good or bad... just let me know..



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You have a clownsfish in a 1 week old nano? I don't know since I'm just beginning myself but shouldn't you have wait longer? Are you planning to buy a skimmer? Do you use natural seawater? I have a lot of snails too coming from my LR, can you post a pic, maybe they're the same :)

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Hey CrocoDillon,


I just bought the clown fish cause the life rock was already cured according to my LFS. The owner told me that it was okay to start stocking my tank.


FYI initially I ran in my tank for over 2 months and I was too scared to stock it beause the water temp was too high due to me living in a tropical country.


I do have a protein skimmer and it's located in my integrated FUGE/FILTER on the right side of my tank... It's doing great and it's really noisy :)


I mix Red Sea Salt to dechlorinated filtered tap water, but I plan to use RO water in the future... It's expensive here in Malaysia...


I can't post a pic of it cause my PALM Zire 71 isn't capable enough to take such micro shots, but I suspect that it's a fighting conch...


There's also a weird clam that's crawling all over my LR.


Since I'm a newbie like you too... I don't really know the names of what's in my tank...


Here's an attached pic of my internal fuge/filter setup....

Enjoy and thanks for your reply

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Hey, sorry I didn't notice the skimmer at first X) But now I do :) I too don't know the names of all the live I see in my tank... snails, stars, clams, worms etc. very fun to watch.


Originally posted by Ivan

Hey  CrocoDillon,


I just bought the clown fish cause the life rock was already cured according to my LFS. The owner told me that it was okay to start stocking my tank.


Another thing... never thrust a LFS owner :D I don't think curing the rock is the only reason for waiting a while before adding livestock. But thats my n00b opinion X) ;) Nice looking rocks btw, cave etc. B) Tank looks good, is the fuge/filter hidden for viewing?

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Thanks for the compliment CrocoDillon,


I have to agree with you...

I actually fell asleep watching my Clown fish swim around the whole tank... HE looks very healthy and has not gone into hiding at all... Very active little guy... A worm just died in my tank, I dunno what's it called but it looked like a centipede... YUCK !!!!


The LR is actually 2 pieces... One big one at the bottom and one smaller one to hide the blue tube... Day 2 and all is well and I really hope and wish and pray that nothings goes wrong...


Anyways my tank is open for full viewing, hell I don't even have a backing board for the back... It's on my study table I love it : )


New plans for the tank today is to stock up with algae in the fuge and mebbe even a couple of coral banded shrimps or whatever shrimps that will clean/eat away the algae....


BTW do you mind posting a pic of your tank ???


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Don't mind posting a pic of my tank, but I'm not totally happy with my aquascaping... think I'm gonna brake a few rocks to make it look like 1 rock with caves etc. now it's just a pile of rocks... hehe. And I'm gonna buy a hang-on-back skimmer when I'll have fish in it, and try to camouflage the powerhead... X)


Anyway, I think your worm (RIP) was a bristle worm, I have seen 1 in my rocks too. I like it, but some ppl see bristle worms as an unwanted hitchacker.


Here's my tank, a 15g w/o fuge/filter X) with 15-16 kg of LR :o sorry for the bad pic quality, when I have more to show I'll make some better pics. My site is in dutch, but the gallery will show my progress :)



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Very cool tank, but why no LS ???

And is that a protein skimmer on the right ???

How long have you been running in your tank ???


Anyhow I noticed that many nano tanks like to stock up with lotsa LR...

What's the dimention of your tank ???


Hope to see more of your tank...

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Originally posted by Ivan

Very cool tank, but why no LS ???

And is that a protein skimmer on the right ???

How long have you been running in your tank ???


Anyhow I noticed that many nano tanks like to stock up with lotsa LR...  

What's the dimention of your tank ???


Hope to see more of your tank...


Thats the protein skimmer up and running for almost a week.


Yeah, I have lot's of LR, but when I have it finished, it will look less, cus now there're too many caves in it. it's high density too i think.


My tank is 60*30*40 cm, 24*12*16 inch.. oh and thnx for the compliment and very quick reply B)

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Hey there....

IT's about 2.50 am here in Malaysia...


Well my entire tank is 24 x 12 x 12

16 x 12 x 12 is the main tank

4 x 12 x 12 is the filtering

4 x12 x 12 is the fuge


My Clown seems to be swimming near the surface alot in the past 6 hours, I hope he's not dying...


Another thing I think that my tank setup mighjt be a little off...

According to another thread in this forum it's supposed to be skimmer first then filter sponge followed by the c-rings...

I also have a charcoal bag in the filtering section in between the filter sponge...



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Huge time difference, when you post the last one... it was 8 PM over here, guess u r sleeping now zzz


Hope your clown is okay :| let me know...


About the filtering, I think it should be skimmer first, becus if you have biological filtering before the skimmer, there not much left to skim. If you skim before biological filtering, you have less nitrate, becus the skimmer skims the stuff the bio needs to produce nitrate. I think you can even leave the sponge out a little bit. Biological filtration in the rock will do. You'll have more room for your fuge if you leave the sponge away.

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Hey ivan....


i think you tried sending me a pm but my box was full...but anyways, thought i'd chime in on this thread and give my two cents worth ;)


First off...where did you get your LR from? from what i've seen...hardly any LFS in the area have cured LR and even if they did....it would be a good idea to look to the boards for advice on what to do with your tank as opposed to taking the advice of the LFS owners...no offense to them or anything...but i don't trust them. If you have done some reading around nano reef, you'll find that most ppl cycle their tanks without a fish in it just to save the poor fella from the stresses of fluctuating ammonia and nitrates. Even if your rock was fully cured, it would be wise to let it sit in the tank for a couple of weeks and do some testing to see if there was any die off that occured in the journey from the LFS to your home. Have you any test kits yet? if not, i'd suggest the that you get at least the Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate and Ph kits first. That should give you a good gauge on what's going on in your tank. By having your readings, it'll allow us on the boards to get a better idea on how to help you as well. Later on...you might want to invest in a Calcium and Kh kit as well, these will help you address the issues of calcium and fluctuating or low Ph problems.


Do a little reading around the beginners forum and you'll find a lot of useful information that'll help you progress along nicely with your tank. Failing to do so might cause you future problems that simply could be avoided (ie. the lil clown stressing and dying) Patience is the key....


Lastly, with reference to your water temp...i think i speak for all when i say that 30 degree's celcius (86F) is way too high for a nano and it'll be pretty difficult to sustain corals in that temperature (so hold out on adding anything else for now) A simple solution for this is to get yourself a 4inch cooling fan from one of the LFS (i suggest Batu Karang Laut in SS15 SJ) The fan does a really good job in bringing the temperature down to about 27-28 C (around 80-82F) A lil testing would need to be done to see how low it'll bring the temperature down....if it's not cool enough...get two fans...but buy one first and see how that goes. Now once you've got the fan blowing over your water surface 24/7, the next problem you'll be facing is evaporation, which'll be pretty high from where we come from. You'll need to keep up with your daily top up water (freshwater and not salt) to avoid extreme salinity fluctuations.


Well, i gotta get back to work now.....hope the info helps. just shoot questions if you have any...try lookin into past threads too, that helps.....



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Originally posted by Ivan

Very cool tank, but why no LS ???


4got 2 mention, i can't find LS in my region... as soon i'll find it, i'll add it B)


i agree with the last 2 replies

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CrocoDillon and ninhsavestheday

So far my clown is still doing fine...

He's still very active but I am worried about it dying...

I'll try to place it into a different tank in the mean time...



YEah I did try to send you a message but your box was full...

Anyways what is LFS ???

I got the LR from Batu Karang, I have 3 x 6cm computer fans and one 3cm one for the light fixture... The temp went down to 27 degrees and water eveporated at 1cm per day... That's a lot but I do have a DIY top up system it worked great...


See the thing is that I talked to other reefers and they told me that it was okay to keep it at 30 degrees... Before this I was so paranoid about my tank that I actually set-up the fans just to keep it cool... 30 Degrees and my clown is doing fine so far... It would be murder if it died and I would not forgive myself for that...

I get all my supplies from Batu Karang and Aquarium 88 in SS15... Usually I hang out at Loy Aqua, Ming Tien in Taman Megah and also Irene Aquarium... I just shifted to SW from FW... I got bored of regularly having to trim the plants...


Anyways I really appreciated your feedback and advice... I did read the beginner column but the local guys told me otherwise...

I will be getting my NO2 tester later...


Anyways I would really appreciate it if we could meet up sometime and for you to teach me a thing or two...


My number is 012-307 1639 and I live in Taman SEA near Lim Kok Wing...


Thank you all very much...

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Oh yeah another thing...

What do you all think about my filtering system ???

Should I go through it the opposite direction as in skimmer first then bio or is this setup a-okay ???



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nice setup, i was planning to do the split tank with hob and heaters behind a black piece of acrylic or plexi. Just makes the main tank look better. I saw in one of your pics you have some bio media from a cannister. Id take that out if i were you unless you want a nitrate spike.

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Yep, bio filtration creates nitrate, protein skimmer doesn't skim nitrate... better let the protein skimmer do his work. Plant some more macro algea in that area...

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Bio media as in the C-rings or the filteration sponge ???

Sorry I'm not so technical... :)


Anyways I'm planning to run my tank in reverse and I'm also planning to get rid of all the filtering material and just leaving it all natural something like that southpaw23 did for his...

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I just revamped my tank and it's running in reverse now...


Here's a "STOOPID" thing that I did today...

While I as cleaning out my tank and rearranging everything... I decided that my 320 gph PH was too low... I placed my hand in to adjust it and was wondering what if the light fixture fell in and immediately it did... I got the shock of my life...


The fuse blew, I was stunned and shocked... Took me a good 30 minutes just to recouperate from the shock... Now my lights are out but the good thing is that my water temp is at a constant 79...




I removed all my filtering materials, C-rings and all and decided that I was gonna go el-naturel... Just nothing but LS and LR...

I'm planning to replace my stupid 20W flourescent tube with

2 x 9Watt PCs...


In the future I'm planning for a bigger tank and a refugium, something like what southpaw23 has but bigger AND a hanging light fixture just in-case my brain decides to take a break...


I'll put up the pics as soon as I transfer them to my comp...

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Here's the new tank in full view...


The waters running in reverse now...


All the filtering material has been removed and boy does the LR stinks... hahahah

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Here is the main tank view...

I added a 130gph to elimintate dead spots in the tank...


My water is really moving now and my Clown seems to be having fun swimming against the current...

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Here is the new setup of the fuge/filter...

I'm planning to make the left part an algae farm with some cleaner shrimps...


Finally there is no stagnant water surfaces in my tank :)


That's all folks...


Tell me what you all think...


In the mean time... I'll try fitting a 32W PC to the old light hood...

The old ballast and fuse burned, what a good excuse to upgrade my lights... :P

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